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Simple MSI K8N Neo Fix (might work for others too)

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  • Simple MSI K8N Neo Fix (might work for others too)

    I tried everything suggested on this and the CivFanatic forum but I kept on having CTD's every ten minutes tops. I even reinstalled windows but nothing helped.

    Then I went into my bios and saw the option "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". I loaded them and have been playing for six hours without a crash. Possably other mainboards have a similar feauture.

    My specs:

    MSI K8N Neo
    Radeon 9800
    AMD Athlon 3000
    1 gig ram
    Soundblaster Audigy

    Hope this helps.
    Somebody told me I should get a signature.

  • #2
    Before you reloaded the fail-safe defaults:
    Did you have cool 'n quiet enabled?
    Did you change your AGP aperture size?
    Did you have any settings changed/customized?

    What MSI BIOS version are you running?

    Also, did you start a new game after you loaded fail safes? Several people, including myself, have perceived a connection between length of game (# turns) and increase crashing.

    I'd like to see your response, our systems are nearly identical:

    MSI K8N Neo
    Radeon 9800XT
    AMD Athlon 3000
    1 gig ram
    Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS


    • #3
      I have the same problems.

      I have a GeForce FX 5700, but I also have Sound Blaster Audigy 2 drivers....

      Maybe its the Audigy drivers?


      • #4
        have the same problems.

        I have a GeForce FX 5700, but I also have Sound Blaster Audigy 2 drivers....

        Maybe its the Audigy drivers?
        Possibly, it wouldn't be the first time. I've looked in the audio.log file and I can't find a clear reason for the crash there. I don't think that the CTD problem has been localized to SB/Audigy/Audigy 2, but I'm not promising that I'm correct in that assumption.

        Look at this thread and post if you are having the same problem:

        Also, check your audio.log file for errors. best of luck. I'll post back here and in the CTD support thread if I get a solution.


        • #5

          All I changed in the BIOS was selecting the optimized settings rather than fail safe defaults. I'll need to check my BIOS version. I'll let you know in a minute.

          BTW I'm able to play Civ 4 now but other than that my system has become instable e.g. random crashes when burning dvd's. This is new and never happened before, so what I do now is toggle the BIOS settings whenever I want to play civ4.

          Will go and check my BIOS version now.
          Somebody told me I should get a signature.


          • #6
            BIOS version 1.4
            Somebody told me I should get a signature.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BleckLord
              Did you have cool 'n quiet enabled?
              why, it messes with the game settings?

