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Sick of people trashing game GIVE IT A CHANCE

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  • Sick of people trashing game GIVE IT A CHANCE

    To whoever is constantly trashing this game....


    I admit I trashed the game when I first got it and the renderer error got me, but if you get used to it it is a much better game.

    ITS A NEW GAME...take the time to get used to it, don't juist trash it because you dont know how to play it and you thought you were mr expert after civ 3. Theres a learning curve here.


  • #2
    Get used to it, if something is new, people will complain.
    Or maybe better: if something is, people complain.

    Hmmm, maybe even better then that: people complain.

    It's hard to satisfy people who have everything they need and live in the wealthiest era of man.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      I just want the "memory leak" problem fixed and then the game will be perfect. I want to play so bad, my comp is definately up to snuff and I love the civ series, but as of right now huge maps are unplayable after a while... im grateful I have WoW to fall back on till its fixed.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Effraides
        I just want the "memory leak" problem fixed and then the game will be perfect. I want to play so bad, my comp is definately up to snuff and I love the civ series, but as of right now huge maps are unplayable after a while...
        I have a problem with the game slowing down a great deal.

        Load times are excessive and reload times are intolerable. It takes about 3 minutes to load my game and about 6 minutes to reload one.

        Also when I click the 'next turn' button I may as well go walk the dog or do the dishes ( I get a lot of work done between turns ) because it's going to take a while before the computer players turns are resolved.

        I know my computer specs are well beyond recomended requirements.

        So what is this 'memory leak' you mention?

        And is it responsible for slowing your game down also?

        I am so hooked that I play it anyway, I just want things to speed up a bit.
        ..there are known ‘knowns’ There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~~Donald Rumsfeld


        • #5
          Load times are excessive and reload times are intolerable. It takes about 3 minutes to load my game and about 6 minutes to reload one.

          Also when I click the 'next turn' button I may as well go walk the dog or do the dishes ( I get a lot of work done between turns ) because it's going to take a while before the computer players turns are resolved.
          Wow, that's intolerable. On my machine it takes 15 seconds to load a game, and turns progress in the blink of an eye.

          Can you post your machine's specs? Something is horribly wrong.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Effraides
            I just want the "memory leak" problem fixed and then the game will be perfect. I want to play so bad, my comp is definately up to snuff and I love the civ series, but as of right now huge maps are unplayable after a while...
            Looks like I'm in the about the same boat as you, I absolutely love the game but can't get past early to mid 20th century w/o big slowdowns and crashing to the deskstop/bluescreening. This happens on every map size I've tried so far (Standard, Large, Huge). I just want this problem fixed and I'll be very happy w/ Civ 4.


            • #7
              My game gets pretty slow after a few hours, but that's no big deal, I just reboot.

              In the old days I used to reboot my windows 95 three times a day


              • #8
                Unfortunately, I don't have any whine for you to go with your cheese at the moment, Craig.
                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MrFun
                  Unfortunately, I don't have any whine for you to go with your cheese at the moment, Craig.
                  You got the (trite) saying backwards, you incompetent boob.

                  Re slowdown: I'm not encountering any such problems. My current game is late industrial era, epic length, large Terra map w/ 12 civs total, and the turns are zipping by. Now if I could just get $@%&#! Cyrus to pull the **** out of my ass...
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by drekmonger

                    Wow, that's intolerable. On my machine it takes 15 seconds to load a game, and turns progress in the blink of an eye.

                    Can you post your machine's specs? Something is horribly wrong.
                    I could only dream the game performed so well for me.

                    As to the system specs I'm using winxp and it won't let me copy paste the stuff so I can post it and I don't have a printer or a scanner to print it then scan it.

                    Is there an easier way to get them?
                    Last edited by uberloz; November 3, 2005, 11:19.
                    ..there are known ‘knowns’ There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~~Donald Rumsfeld


                    • #11
                      hmmm about giving the game a chance. I think the problem is that its a new game with old players.

                      here's what i mean. I'm used to building all the improvements in all my cities and then in between techs I build units. Civ4 isnt made to be played like that. cities are supposed to be specialized forcing the player to make decisions. not just what to build but what NOT to build. my current epic huge map terra game is very interesting and i was actually able to build almost all buildings in my core cities, then I came to the industrial age and suddenly I have 2 world and 4 national wonders to build along with a lot of big regular buildings. I have to prioritize.

                      the "i'm just pressing space bar syndrom" has struck me too, but the problem might not be the game, it might be the way I'm used to playing from older civ versions. so I'm gonna give the game another chance and try a tactic of extreme specialization of my cities. I'll let you know how that goes later

                      point is, give it a few goes. try epic and short games, try different maps and different sizes. try different settings and try different tactics. there just might be too many options for our little brains to handle right away. once we've adapted to it the game will be far more enjoyable.

                      just a side note. it needs a few patches, an abandon city function, functional advisors and civilopedia, more freedom with the gui screens. hopefully this will be completed and released in patches and then I think everything will be peachy indeed.
                      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                      • #12
                        I'm giving it a chance, learning the ropes, the most effective uses for GP's... And my copy is still in the mail.
                        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                        • #13
                          So what is this 'memory leak' you mention?
                          Performance seems to degrade the longer you play. For example, if I play for two hours straight the game becomes noticiably more laggy/jerky. If I save, reboot, and reload, everything is back to running smooth again....

                          I've always assumed this was a symptom of a memory leak, but I suppose it could be something else.


                          • #14
                            the "i'm just pressing space bar syndrom" has struck me too, but the problem might not be the game, it might be the way I'm used to playing from older civ versions.
                            I honestly believe that turns fly by so quickly simply because you're not doing the same level of micromanagement (comparitively speaking). You're not min/maxing town production, you're not roading every tile, you're not checking each individual leader for trade possibilities, etc, etc. It's a little disconcerting, but you get used to it.

                            On a broader note, during my first game of Civ IV, I found myself moderately dissappointed.... I was so used to Civ III, and many things were... different. As I gain experience with the game, I'm becoming more comfortable with how the mechanics work... which, in turn, makes it more enjoyable. With a few exceptions, I think it's superior game than Civ III.... YMMV, of course.


                            • #15
                              civ2 was superior to civ3. pong was superior to civ3. i gave up civ3 in disgust and swore never to play it ever again. still havent. civ4 OTOH...

                              sleep is for the weak!
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

