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Italian version only: minor problems

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  • Italian version only: minor problems

    I don't know how many of us will use the italian version, anyway I'm starting this thread just in case Take2 or others users care of these minor bugs only related to italian version of the game.

    Others threads already are around main graphics problem, crashes and all kind of international trouble. I want to focus this thread on glitches included in our language version (mainly XML files with typo in italian text, or XML syntax error added just for us ).
    I suggest any player with this kind of problems to look at XML files (text files, at their root), you can find under MyGames subdirectories.

    I've found and correct a couple of problem inside "Civ4GameTextInfos.xml" files.

    What I've found and done so far:[list=1][*]The mouseover about cities production show a silly [NUM5:turno:turni text about production turns left to finish the item;[*]At "Forme di governo" screen (Civics) Libertà religiosa show a double "per" near the smile in effects text;[*]At "Civiltà più grandi" pop-up screen (Largest civilization top ten) we find double adjective text also when gender is not an issue (e.g. mediocre:mediocre is the same for a male or a female leader);[/list=1]

    You can correct these by yourself, just following instructions below.
    Warning: Please make a backup copy of the file you are about to modify: if you corrupt it you must reinstall the game.
    [list=1][*]Open the Civ4GameTextInfos file using an editor (Open with notepad/blocco note or wordpad will be fine). Find [NUM5:turno:turni text and add the square bracket (parentesi quadra chiusa) is missing at the end of the line (check other languages correct syntax the line below the italian) - save the file;[*]Open the Civ4GameTextInfos file using an editor. Find "Libertà religiosa" and cut the "per" word in excess - save the file;[*]Open the Civ4GameTextInfos file using an editor. Find "mediocre:mediocre" and related list; remove the unnecessary adjectives and leave just one of it for "grande", "eccellente" ecc. as others languages version show (you know italian grammar, do you? - save the file;[/list=1]

    Of course you can do all the changes in a single session, if you want. Just do it with the game closed and start Civ 4 to check XML file is ok now.

    If you have found others "italian version" problems (with or without "do-it-yourself" solution), please post them here for italian community.
    Thank you in advance.
    Your faithful Admiral
    Last edited by Adm.Naismith; November 4, 2005, 05:02.
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith

  • #2
    Re: Italian version only: minor problems and solutions

    Originally posted by Adm.Naismith
    If you have found others "italian version" problems (with or without "do-it-yourself" solution), please post them here for italian community.
    Thank you in advance.
    Your faithful Admiral
    Ok, not so much interest, anyway...
    I've found and correct another problem inside "Civ4GameTextInfos_Objects.xml" files.

    They had translated "Fighters" with "Lottatori" instead of "Caccia".

    Check and correct this part of the file:






    Is anyone at Firaxis reading this, to include them into the next patch?
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith


    • #3
      Ciao milanés

      The Italian translation seems very poor to me too... just an example: "chiatta" for "work boat"?? oh maaaan...

      I've found the same problems and I've figured another - radically different - solution: I've managed to reverse the italian installation to a fresh english one without reinstall the entire game Since it's possible to change the game language from the option menu, it's all about changing the "tech quote" speaking files... so this instructions can work for every player that want to switch from a language to another one provided by the game.
      (Note: this all started 'cause I wanted to hear Mr.Nimoy voice eheh )

      1. First of all switch the language from the option screen from the language you use to the one you want to use :P

      2. Download a shareware program called ZipSkan and install it reading carefully the webpage instructions (about how to take from the net some .dll files, really nothing too complicate)

      3. Open your CD/DVD disk and search for a file called and open it whit the brand new ZipScan. (wait a moment while the program creates the list of files, there are more the 3000 in it )

      4. Scroll down untill you find the first Tech_ sound file (it's called Tech_Agriculture.mp3) and extract all 172 files in a temp directory.

      5. Move all the files in you customassets/sound/tech directory

      6. Enjoy your new speaking tech-man

      IMPORTANT NOTE: in the there are the 172 tech files repeated FIVE TIMES. It's 1 set for every language of the game. So if you're searching for the english the files are the first set... This is the order:
      1. english
      2. frensh
      3. deutch
      4. italian
      5. spanish

      Howevery thank you very much for your solution, if I'll ever reinstall the game I'll choose the italian language and provide that changes!!
      It's my first post on the forums so... hello guys, another italian cIV addict here
      HTTP Error 404 - File or Directory not found
      Internet Information Services (IIS)


      • #4
        A translation effort?

        Error 404 and anyone else here: would you like to help me to do complete and correct the italian translation?

        I've found the link to the MOD wiki to better understand XML schema, so I hope we can do a quick job to match german and french fans effort...
        How can we be less efficient than our european friends?
        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
        - Admiral Naismith

