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What Advisors should I avoid?

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  • What Advisors should I avoid?

    I hate clicking on the military advisor, since it takes about 2-3 min. to get there. Are there anyother advisors I should avoid? I am afraid to go there since it will take the fun out of playing waiting so long for the load times.

    I don't even click on the "what is the bigger picture" afraid it will take me to an advisor like it did before.



  • #2
    The military advisor's the only one I've noticed having any horrible delays. The others seem to open quite quickly. No idea why the military advisor has such a hard time, especially as it doesn't seem to do very much.

    All the "what's the big picture?" buttons should be just fine to use. Should be.


    • #3
      what's the big picture and military advisor are lagging for my too. Especially annoying when i need to reactivate my workers as their location is usually forgotten.

      Globe view is also not the fastest thing in the universe later in the game.


      • #4
        Welcome to the wonderful world of Python!

        I remember back in the days when die-hards would jump up and down yelling that a game can't be written in C++, "It's too slow!!" Fast forward a decade and now they are writing games in a scripting language! LOL

        Anyway, for the "most modifiable game ever released," this is the price we pay. The only solution is to get a faster CPU.

        I have an AMD FX-53--not top of the line anymore, but still "high end"--and only the Military dialog and the Civipedia (sp) cause me lag: Military one only about 2-3 seconds, but the 'pedia will delay for anywhere between 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

        So to sum up, no one can answer your question because your delay will be unique to your system (hardware) and all the stuff you have running in the background.


        • #5
          Civ III had a horrible delay on the military advisor too, IIRC. Was fixed with the first x-pack, but not with the first patch...
          RIAA sucks
          The Optimistas
          I'm a political cartoonist


          • #6
            2.8 ghz too slow?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Yolky
              2.8 ghz too slow?
              In a word, yes!

              I don't think you understood my point. (It was a bit long and dry, so I'll just assume you didn't bother to read my reply at all. )

              To reiterate, this is the first game of its kind that relies heavily on parsing and interpreting code (i.e., Python scrpt) on the fly. Discounting any major/obvious optimizations the developers might have overlooked, nothing will improve the performance other than raw processing power.

              In other words, reinstall the game in 2-3 years when you are running at 4 - 5 GHz, and you will find most if not all the lagginess gone. Understand now?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Balderdash
                Welcome to the wonderful world of Python!

                I remember back in the days when die-hards would jump up and down yelling that a game can't be written in C++, "It's too slow!!" Fast forward a decade and now they are writing games in a scripting language! LOL
                I don't think you can blame Python for this. Writing the exact same algorithms in C++ would still result in a lag, just a smaller one. This smells a lot more like a simple bug or unoptimized code.

