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Stuttering Intro and Wonder Movies

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  • Stuttering Intro and Wonder Movies

    I know this has been posted by a few people, but I think there should be one comprehensive thread on it, because it does seem to be a fairly common problem. Could Mark or somebody perhaps top this?

    I tried out Omega drivers and did see some improvement in the movies (I finally got to watch the Firaxis logo thing and the intro movie, but Wonders were still a bit goofy). Game performance took a hit for me, though, and I switched back to regular Nvidia drivers

    P4 1.3 GHz
    512 MB RAM
    64 MB GeForce4 MX420
    Turtle Beach Santa Cruz sound card (not a bad card, even if it is a bit old)

    Game is smooth enough, though big maps get laggy (not surprising, considering my specs). So far, I'm very happy with the game

  • #2
    I'll get on board with this consolidated thread so we can hopefully figure something out.

    I have problems with the wonder movies playing and sometimes with the leader heads coming up in certain situations. For the wonder movies, all I get is a pixelated mess and choppy audio, but no crashes and no other gameplay issues. When I had my one leaderhead problem, all I got was a black area where the leader should have been. Oh, and when I scroll out to the global view I get a completely cloud covered world with just the city names coming through.

    Anyways, I tried the Omega drivers as well, but didn't see any improvement at all. I also gave a whirl at different versions of the bink .dll trying out v1.7 and even v1.5 to no avail.

    Has anybody else tried anything different and had any success at all with it? If I come up with any new ideas, I'll try them out and post here.

    AMD Athlon XP 2600+
    MSI KT6 Delta-LSR
    512 Megs PC2700 RAM
    Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB (w/ Omega 2.6.75a)



    • #3
      Just a shameless bump to keep this somewhere near the first page of the forum

      I know this isn't a game-stopping issue, but there hasn't been much of an organized attempt to address it and I'm out of ideas. I'm not normally the type to ask for a topped thread or to beg for help, but I would like to be able to enjoy the movies within the game.


      • #4

        Having just suffered this past month or so from Black and White 2's post-launch crises, I was quite pleased that Firaxis had a fairly comprehensive (if tedious) fix for the ATI Initialization.

        I was sort of hoping for the same amount of support for the stuttering Wonder movies. It's not a huge deal, and the rest of the sound is great, and the game plays just fine otherwise.

        But still, sort of anti-climactic to build a WONDER and have those problems. For the record:

        Shuttle G4 8590
        MS XP Home
        AMD Athlon 64 3700+
        2.41 GHz, 1 GB RAM
        Radeon 9600 256
        NIVIDIA nForce Sound Card
        (ALL drivers up to date)

        PS: Found another, slightly longer thread on this subject:


        • #5
          Here's a wierd one:
          I had 768 RAM and my movies were fine. I upgraded to 1GB and now they run choppy! Go figure!
          In the beginning, Earth was without form and void... then my life changed forever.

