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Military upkeep costs?

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  • Military upkeep costs?

    Maybe I didn't read through the manual carefully enough, but I couldn't find a detailed explanation detailing how military costs/upkeep is calculated? Is there a formula/chart somewhere I can look at, sorted by civics choices?

    I usually try and build as large a military I can, without running into having to pay any maintenance (or at least very low maintenance).

    When waging a war, I'm also wondering if military units outside your cultural borders are somehow calculated differently as far as upkeep costs go.

  • #2
    I would like to know also. I have about 5 units and still pay no support for them. I would like to know what affects this. Is it state religion, wich I don't have at the moment. or civics?

    anyone else can help us?

    HHMMM I wunder if getting the Strategy Guide would help us out with info like this?


    • #3
      In my current game I'm using the Vassalage civic oiption, and I know I can check how many free units I get from that, but I'm sure that's only part of the equation.


      • #4
        Yes, I was wondering about this too.
        Can anyone post a detailed reply?


        • #5
          You can check a detailed break down of how much you are paying (or not paying) towards Military units by opening up the Finance Advisor and looking at the left hand area. Hovering your curser over the military upkeep and it will give you a breakdown of how many free units you have and what you are paying outside of that.

          Now for what upkeep you pay normally per unit, all I can find information wise is that it depends on the size of your civilization and what civics you have selected. I know that Vassalge has a different "free unit" value the larger your population grows.

