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A couple of questions

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  • A couple of questions

    1) Is the palace gone in this version of the game? I kind of miss being able to update it.

    2) Is there an easy way to upgrade my military units? In the Civ3, you could do all that from your military advisor. Now he just shows where all of your units are located. I've only been able to upgrade my units by clicking on each individual unit.

  • #2
    There were preview screenshots of the throne room screen but it doesn't seem to be active in the released version. If it got dropped to make the early release date, maybe it will be patched back. I wouldn't be surprised to see the military advisor get improved by patches too.
    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


    • #3
      You can hit ALT and then hit the upgrade button and it will upgrade all units. However, it is very problematic. If you don't have enough money to upgrade all your units of that type, then it just chooses randomly which ones to upgrade. Also, it sometimes upgrades different types of units. Like if you update archer to crossbowman, it might also decide to upgrade your longbowmen to crossbowmen.


      • #4
        Yeah, when you select to 'upgrade all units' it upgrades all units that can attain that upgrade, rather than all units similar to the one you selected.


        • #5
          that can be a real pain, esp if you end up with strong units at home and obsolete ones on the front.

          It may upgrade at the capital and go chronologically, but I'm not sure.

