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Jerky opening movie resolved

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  • Jerky opening movie resolved

    I'm one of the lucky ones in that I don't have many problems playing Civ 4.

    One of the issues that I did have, though, was with the opening movie. Every thirty seconds or so, it would become slightly jerky like it was running at a lower framerate. This would last for a few seconds, and then it would be OK again for a while. This would repeat all the way through the video.

    I've solved this by setting Vsync to OFF in my video card control panel. This is on a GeForce FX 5900 Ultra but the same principle should apply for most cards.

    This has also had the effect of making the game run slightly more smoothly. Only a little, but every little helps.

    This has NOT fixed my major skipping problems with wonder movies, but I thought it might help a few people.

    EDIT: Oops, I'm sorry. Could someone please move this to the HELP forum?

  • #2
    Sounds good. How do you do that?

