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Strategy Guide

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  • Strategy Guide

    Anyone have the strategy guide yet? It wasn't available when I picked up Civ IV, and I understand it's going to be a pretty good one with lots of info from some of the beta testers.

    Amazon says it's not yet released, but the official Bradygames product page says it's available for world-wide sale? Has anyone picked this up? Is it worth $20 bucks?

  • #2
    EB Games sold me my Civ 4 (Collector's, and I forgot to preorder, tee hee ) in St. Pete, FL and had the strategy guides for $19.95, so I picked it up also. It is moderately helpful, but I thought the Civ III was more helpful. There are very few errors or misconceptions though, so they must have finished it right before game release and edited it well. EB Games is a mall chain store and should be in your area.
    You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!

