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Resolution and interface scaling

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  • Resolution and interface scaling

    I generally play games at 1600x1200. When I play Civ IV at this resolution, the button icons are quite small, and the tooltips have a tiny font size that can be difficult to read at times. Is there any way in the settings to scale this stuff up?

  • #2
    Hear Hear - I Second the Motion.
    ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----


    • #3
      (as long as it's an option.... I may not like the larger interface implimentation, so I would of course want to be able to go back to itty bitty)
      ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----


      • #4
        Depends on the size of the monitor, though I agree that the interface becomes too small. I tried it at 1400x1050 on a 15" notebook and that was really very small.
        1280x1024 on a 19" TFT is nice though.


        • #5
          Yeah - I have a 21" CRT. It's not unplayable at 16x12, but it can be difficult to make out the icons, and the tooltips can be small enough as to be almost unnoticeable - especially when I have to swing my eyes all the way over from the upper left button bar to figure out what I'm mousing over.


          • #6
            I switched from whatever the highest resolution is to a lower resolution (I think 1600x1200, or maybe a notch lower), because I thought the interface buttons were too small. I actually did not notice much change in detail when doing that.

