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Deity OCC

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  • Deity OCC

    Has anyone else tried this yet? (OCC = one city challenge) I found it to be pretty difficult. I have some questions for all:

    What should the victory conditions be in a OCC to ensure an good challenge? Is a diplomatic victory a real OCC win, or does it have to be space race like in Civ2?

    What map settings should be used as the standard OCC game settings for bragging rights purposes?

    What wonders will be necessary for an OCC win?

    How soon before someone wins an OCC on deity?

  • #2
    Ok I'm new to the Civ community (but have been playing civ since day one, I skipped Civ 3 though..), however...

    How the hell can you win a game of civ with only one city?!


    • #3
      OCC on Deity in CIV would indeed be a staggering accomplishment. I'd want to hear very precise details of how it was done, and know exactly what map conditions were used.
      Friedrich Psitalon
      Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
      Consultant, Firaxis Games


      • #4
        I tried an OCC game on Noble. If you can get a Diplo victory, I would say it DEFINITELY counts, since I couldn't even come close. It's tough when you only get 35 UN votes.

        I would say spaceship might not be possible. You have to be far, far ahead of the other civs in tech to have enough time to beat them to all the spaceship parts with one city. I'm not sure I see getting a huge tech lead as feasible in deity.

        The one advantage you have is that in OCC, the two national wonders per city rule is waived.


        • #5

          I haven't tried it in cIV, but in Civ II it was a very popular playstyle.

          From the Civ II Strategy Forum, check out the Great Library Index (1) at and search for OCC. There are some notable Alpha Centauri Landings (I believe 1516 is the earlist one) games with logs there that you can look over. Also, don't miss the OCC Strategy Guide written by Paul (The Paulicy)

          Hope this helps.


          • #6
            Originally posted by John-SJ

            I haven't tried it in cIV, but in Civ II it was a very popular playstyle.

            Hope this helps.
            Yeah, works fine in Civ II. Civ III and IV require strategic resources. On Civ III you could get the out-of-the-way ones with colonies, but in Civ IV, you only get what is in your city radius and what you can trade for, meaning that games will be made or broken by what resources start within a couple squares. No Copper, Iron, or Aluminium = I lose.


            • #7
              I played a game on Noble. I snapped up most of the early wonders (all but 2), but lost it to a space race win by the AI.

              To be Frank, allow any victory consition, and just try to beat the AI. Any OCC win is impressive, and the AI is not incompetant enough here to let you win with only one city (most of the time)
              You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


              • #8
                Is the cultural victory win condition altered for OCC? In the standard game it's 3 cities with 50k+ culture, right? In OCC that's clearly impossible, so it should be something like 100k in that one city, shouldn't it?

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #9
                  I would say that on duel, (not much) land maps 1v1 Conquests, and on more extreme maps, 1v1v1 Conquests too.

                  Deity OCC Spaceships are definitely going to be more difficult than in past games. Tech whoring is much less rampant, though still possible in moderation. GPT for tech, or techs for gpt are simply not possible. No multiplicative bonuses for a true super-city.

                  That's offset by a better (if you can get it) "Great Library" (The Internet), and Great Persons. But the AI uses Great Persons pretty well too.

                  In my experience, on standard type settings 5CC Deity launch is going to be as difficult in CIV as OCC Deity launches were in Civ III.

                  Diplomatic should be possible. Much harder than in Civ III though as you can't just buy everyone off, and the UN will be harder to snag. Plus it's possible there could be a launch before there is a (victory) vote.

                  Cultural isn't possible unless I've missed a special case rule for it. OCC can't get 3 cities to Dominant culture.

                  Domination and Score... well you could probably edit a map to make it possible, but no way in standard settings of course.


                  • #10
                    What about playing on small maps? This is what I usually play. I think a OCC would have an advantage on a smaller map, but what should be the standard?

                    It's good to know that diplo is not a joke like it was in 3. And same goes for cultural. In 3 it was pretty easy to win a OCC that way. So basically it had to be a launch.

                    In civ2 I remeber someone winning a OCC with a lauch where the city was on a 2 tile island. There was one whale, and the two tiles were tundra. That was impressive.

                    With resources, you do have to get a bit lucky for a OCC in CIV. Although you can always trade resources. I think great people will be key to any OCC strategy. Especially if you could build up a bunch of them near the end.

                    I have come pretty close on Noble, standard map. The problem is the game starts taking forever in the late stages. I wish we just used the same graphics as Civ2...


                    • #11
                      Also, what traits would you want for a OCC? I would pick IND for sure off the top of my head for the wonder bonus.


                      • #12
                        Well, IND/PHI would be the first choice, but that ain;t in the game. I would say one of IND or PHI, and then SPI (or Maybe EXP) for extra happiness or health.

                        Pop is power, and that still applies to this game.
                        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                        • #13
                          Just finished a noble OCC. I lost the space race and was about 20 turns away from the win.

