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why did I lose this fight??

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  • why did I lose this fight??

    Hello all,

    After 10 consequtive hours of playing my first Civ game ever, forgetting dinner and to go to bed (it's 5AM now!), I decided to stop when I suddenly lost a fight I thought I would win for sure. I am already hooked on the game.

    Since I am a newbie I probably made a lot of strategy errors even while playing at beginner level, but I really thought I was safe in this situation and if anyone could take a loot at the screenshot I provide I would greatly appreciate if you could tell me how I could lose this fight.

    Here is the background:
    I play Montezuma in green. The screenshot is taken at the end of my turn. I have just made an incursion into enemy territory and burnt one of their cities. I loaded all gunpowder troops from my boats onto the territory to hold it while I fetched reinforcements, my enemy approached some troops of their own, and after this we made a peace treaty. I went back to my land and as my turn began next time I found that all my troops had been killed and the territory had been taken back completely.

    I thought I was much stronger in this stand-off than my enemy. How could I lose? (Sure, some of my troops are a bit tired but still...)

    Thanks all for any comments!

    "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben

  • #2
    My guess is that your units aren't dead, but have been teleported somewhere else.

    When you raze a city, the cultural borders don't update right. Egypt probably still had cultural control of that tile but it didn't update until after you ended your turn. So since you were at peace, without open borders, when the game updated the borders it saw your units where they aren't allowed to be, and moved them out of Egyptian cultural borders.


    • #3
      Ya happened to me too. A where the hell did my guys go moment when I was expecting them to be warped to the nearest city but they wound up on the far side of the enemy empire in neutral territory.


      • #4
        so this would probably not have happened if we were still at war, then? is that right?
        "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben


        • #5
          Yes, if you were still at war you can have units in enemy territory. It also wouldn't have happened if you had Open Borders.


          • #6
            thanks! you wre tight. I replayed the attack and did not make peace afterwards and my troops stayed in place and held the position.

            cheers mate!
            "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben

