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2050 Limit???

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  • 2050 Limit???

    Does the game end at 2050 or does the scorekeeping just stop? I played a game last night (epic) and just as it was getting good I started 'running out of time.' This irritated me as I was up all night playing. (Sadly with 30 or so turns left I crashed and just went to bed). Is there a way to have the game continue without it ending or does it allow you to keep playing after score keeping finishes? I sure hope so. So I guess my main question is; Did I set up the game incorrectly or is this turn limit universal? If it is universal it stinks.


  • #2
    You can keep playing anyway with the "one...more...turn" option, but the score is no longer tallied.


    • #3
      If you choose "Custom game" instead of "Play now!", you can opt to disable time victory, which (I believe) removes the turn limit.


      • #4
        Re: 2050 Limit???

        Did I set up the game incorrectly or is this turn limit universal? If it is universal it stinks.
        All Civ games have traditionally ended at 2050. However you also have the option to continue playing, though you don't get any increases to your score after that.


        • #5
          Re: Re: 2050 Limit???

          Originally posted by Willem

          All Civ games have traditionally ended at 2050.
          civ1 and maybe civ2 ended in 2020.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #6
            Re: Re: Re: 2050 Limit???

            Originally posted by CyberShy

            civ1 and maybe civ2 ended in 2020.
            Oh. Well it's been awhile, and my memory isn't what it used to be.

