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At What Level Does the AI Declare War?

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  • At What Level Does the AI Declare War?

    Playing at Noble level, the AI civs never declare war on me or each other.

    Want to play higher level, but how high do I need to go? Will Prince do it? Monarch? What?

    Has anyone seen the AI declare war?
    Eine Spritze gegen Schmerzen, bitte.

  • #2
    On noble, 1835 AD, the Aztecs who a furious with me have just declared war.


    • #3
      I've seen plenty of AI-instigated wars on Noble level during three games. Maybe you're just getting unlucky and getting a bunch of pacifist leaders?

      Montezuma just declared war on me. Meanwhile, the other six civs all ganged up on the Indians and nearly wiped them off the planet.



      • #4
        Generally the AI is more prone to attack if you are playing against an aggressive leader, or if your army is woefully inadequate and relations are poor. The AI doesn't make stupid war that often anymore, so if you have a sizable military (either through skill or playing too low a level) you may find life quite peaceful. The AI is smart enough not to be the school nerd picking a fight with the school jock anymore.
        Friedrich Psitalon
        Admin, Civ4Players Ladder
        Consultant, Firaxis Games


        • #5
          What Fried says. Games can certainly happen without wars, but don't expect it to always be so. Also, you will be punished for not having any defenses.
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #6
            Re: At What Level Does the AI Declare War?

            Originally posted by Falconius
            Playing at Noble level, the AI civs never declare war on me or each other.

            Want to play higher level, but how high do I need to go? Will Prince do it? Monarch? What?

            Has anyone seen the AI declare war?
            I'm also playing on Noble and the Aztecs declared War upon my Victorian English Civilization

            From feeling this game was dead easy at Noble I am rather concerned that the Mongols will join the Aztecs in attacking me and then things will get rather interesting.

            Bloody axemen, messing up my chariots


            • #7
              Balance of Power

              I've read the AI will not let the #1 coast through the entire game, like it did in Civ3. Those weak nerds should at some point get together and do something offensive, whether it's economic (embargo) or military (war) or something (sabotage, spy) rather than fight among themselves and wait for the sports jock to beat them up 1 by 1 (on the higher levels I would hope at least). In Civ3, once I became #1 they all feared me and never did anything. Once, in Civ3, #2 demanded only Ivory allowing me to finish my spaceship. I hope the AI knows which ways it can win/lose this time.
              Last edited by Pyrodrew; October 31, 2005, 16:14.


              • #8
                My very first game, I played on chiefton just to check out the changes, and I got the obligatory demand for a resource, in which I replied "take your empty threats elsewhere" ( heh, felt like I was back in Civ3), and I got declared war upon.

                So... I would gess any level is fair game for the AI to declare war.


                • #9
                  Generally the AI is more prone to attack if you are playing against an aggressive leader, or if your army is woefully inadequate and relations are poor
                  I've only been playing for a couple of days... How does the AI actually know how strong my military is? Or my economy? Does it cheat by seeing things about me that I can't see about it?

                  The only way I know of to see his military is too have open borders, then send a scout on sight-seeing holiday


                  • #10
                    I tend to have woefully inadequate armies, so the AI attacks me all the time. My first game (on Noble) was full of AI's declaring war (on me). France attacked me early on. That war didn't really go anywhere because we didn't share a border. Then Arabia and Russia declared war on me because I attacked their Spanish buddies. Russia declared war on me again when I attacked France. Spain, Russia, and France were all absorbed into my empire, btw . Both the Greeks and the Aztecs declared war on me at some point or another, but they didn't get too far, since we were on different continents. And at the very end of the game the Arabs attacked me in force, almost preventing my space victory.

                    That's seven times the AI attacked me .


                    • #11
                      Re: At What Level Does the AI Declare War?

                      Originally posted by Falconius
                      Playing at Noble level, the AI civs never declare war on me or each other.

                      Want to play higher level, but how high do I need to go? Will Prince do it? Monarch? What?

                      Has anyone seen the AI declare war?
                      I have played 2 Noble level games and I've been attacked by the AI multiple times in both games.

                      You need to start making them MAD Falconius!
                      Let Them Eat Cake


                      • #12
                        In my first noble game attacked the Aztecs me after I took a german city near their border. The Aztecs had in that game a different religion.

                        In my second noble game was I attacked by Peter during the space race. Thought I think that it was just his intention to weaken me, not to conquer me. He took an island city(who I shortly after that liberated) and he attacked my outdated navy(I was too bussy with space race to care about my navy). After that offered he peace in exchange for a technology, which I accepted.


                        • #13
                          Re: At What Level Does the AI Declare War?

                          Originally posted by Falconius
                          Playing at Noble level, the AI civs never declare war on me or each other.
                          I just finished a post on CFC about the very same thing. Diplomacy/politics in Civ IV has been, thus far, extremely static and, well... boring. In my current game, which is almost at an end, there's been exactly one war - started by me. In Civ III you'd occasionally see this, but, for the most part, the political environment was a lot more touch-an-go and potentially volatile... and it often required some deft political maneuvering to stay out of war and/or get others involved.

                          In Civ IV, so far, once the inital expansion is over, the AI civs seem content to sit there doing.... nothing. I keep wishing that one of 'em will go on the war path, or that we'll see some power blocs emerge, or that I'll get the opportunity to arrange proxy wars, etc...


                          • #14
                            Typically, the AI will demand something at -10, and declare war if you refuse and aren't ridiculously stronger.


                            • #15
                              well, i'm working my way up the difficulty ladder and at noble, it's the first time the AI actually declared war on me.
                              Both times it was my cultural superiority that made the AI chose between declaring war or losing a big city to me.
                              daddy daddy, look i'm playing american facist and i'm nuking babylon

