Delete your autosave file in your My Docs directory for those whom deleting cache and getting to the game screen then getting booted. Do it Everytime.
1st thing it does at the main game screen startup is create or access? a autosave.
Works for me.
Standard map, low graphics, no sound, no movies, no autosave. Nearly all background programs stopped or not loaded. 1280X1024(Edit : Sorry that's 1024X768...oops). I will only update Net frame as a last resort.
On another subject, for those that the game runs out of the box, good for you and I hope your right that the game runs for 95% of users...but us 5% have got our asses kicked since the release.
I guess its just not better to respond either way sometimes.
EDIT : I can now load a saved game, and as long as I don't switch to another game...I don't need to delete the cache or the inital autosave.
1st thing it does at the main game screen startup is create or access? a autosave.
Works for me.
Standard map, low graphics, no sound, no movies, no autosave. Nearly all background programs stopped or not loaded. 1280X1024(Edit : Sorry that's 1024X768...oops). I will only update Net frame as a last resort.
On another subject, for those that the game runs out of the box, good for you and I hope your right that the game runs for 95% of users...but us 5% have got our asses kicked since the release.
I guess its just not better to respond either way sometimes.
EDIT : I can now load a saved game, and as long as I don't switch to another game...I don't need to delete the cache or the inital autosave.