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  • Voiceovers

    First, I don't think I have been as excited about any videogame before, before and after purchase. After my dad introduced me to Civ 1, and those lovely icons I got civ 2 and to put it simply, LONG LIVE THE KING. Played SMAC and enjoyed it emencely too. I then got civ 3 but never really got into it, but so far i'm loving Civ 4.

    Having said that I just have a small stupid thing that bothers me a bit and it concerns the voiceovers. Having Lenard Nemoy doing the voice overs is really cool, and said the lines from the original Civ 1 intro movie, I was SO stoked. THere's nothing wrong with his voice itself but after that when he quotes the little lines after each tech discovery, i find that it was kinda, how do you say it....lacking? First the quote for each tech are kinda short to begin with, and he doesn't say who wrote/said the quote like in SMAC after he's done. Maybe its just be but I liked how they did it in SMAC. ANyone else feel this way?

  • #2
    Yeah, SMAC was tons better. I'd also like more text describing the history of the advancement, but you can get that in the civlopedia I suppose.

