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Can't play MP

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  • Can't play MP

    Here is the problem:

    I have been playing single player for a couple days now with relatively few errors (Sound errors during movies, forced "Low" video settings) but those are things I can deal with until a patch comes out.

    It runs the game fine, though with a little bit of slowdown later in the game (Acceptable).

    My issue is with Multiplayer.

    I log in, join the lobby. If I sit there and do nothing, it crashes to desktop within about 5 minutes. If I click on a game to join, it immediately crashes to desktop. I can see the games and see people chat. I can even chat back...within my personal "time limit..."

    I have disabled all firewalls to no avail.

    System Specs:

    P4 2.8
    1 gb ram
    geforce4 mx 440 (with 64mb mem)
    xp sp 2
    52x cd-r
    intel onboard ethernet
    intel onboard audio
    routered (linksys wrt54g) cable internet

    EDIT: I tried to be really speedy in my joining. As soon as a I see a non-pw non-full game I tryed to join it. It a way that didn't work. I watched the loading bar for a while until it said it timed out. At which point it CTD.