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windows xp 256 RAM

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  • windows xp 256 RAM

    has anyone been able to paly this game with this i have 384 Ram,Pentium 4 1.5ghz,geoforce 2

    I assume i cannot paly it or even if i could it would be way 2 slow...?

    Has anyone had any joy with very low min specs

  • #2
    256 MB with XP is only enough to run the XP operating system itself.

    Also a machine that originally came with that little RAM won't possibly have a TL-hardware supported video card.
    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
    Templar Science Minister
    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


    • #3
      Time to get a new PC, that's probabally beyond upgrade at this point.


      • #4
        Originally posted by joncnunn
        256 MB with XP is only enough to run the XP operating system itself.

        Also a machine that originally came with that little RAM won't possibly have a TL-hardware supported video card.
        GF2 cards do support T&L.

        It will run, but will bog down very quickly as you explore the map. It will likely be nearly unplayable by the time you get to industrial/modern era

        My computer is likely not much better than yours (though I do have 512MB ram). I'm enjoying the game immensely, but it slows down significantly in the late game


        • #5
          thx for the replies i do have the right card but will be looking to buy a new computer asap


          • #6
            This is my first post....

            These are my specs...

            Pentium M 1.5
            256 mb ram
            Intel 82852/82855 gme integrated video

            Now, i can play the game. i do have the dark map and the eyeballs & dentures leaderheads. i am patiently awaiting the patch, which i am sure will fix that.

            If you have patience, you can play the game. What I did is I changed the size of my paging file to 2 Gb. This helped me more than I thought it would. In a couple weeks I will buy another 512 mb of ram.... this should clear that problem up.

            Give it a try..... or buy some ram.


            • #7
              Kool AID are u operatong windows 2000 or XP ?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mirkwood
                thx for the replies i do have the right card but will be looking to buy a new computer asap
                Your card is listed as minimum for the game, which means it probably isn't going run well. Your processor is just below recommended, which is 1.8, and your RAM is way below. The minimum listed for XP is 512. As mentioned, the operating system alone uses up 256, if not more. For optimal performance, any XP machine should have at least 1 gig.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kool-Aid Man
                  This is my first post....

                  These are my specs...

                  Pentium M 1.5
                  256 mb ram
                  Intel 82852/82855 gme integrated video

                  Now, i can play the game. i do have the dark map and the eyeballs & dentures leaderheads. i am patiently awaiting the patch, which i am sure will fix that.

                  If you have patience, you can play the game. What I did is I changed the size of my paging file to 2 Gb. This helped me more than I thought it would. In a couple weeks I will buy another 512 mb of ram.... this should clear that problem up.

                  Give it a try..... or buy some ram.
                  There will be no patch for your dark terrain problem. The Intel video cards don't support Hardware T&L, which is a requirement for the game. You'll have to get another video card.


                  • #10
                    i disagree about the patch not working on my machine. there are people running video cards that according to 2k games ares supported by the game, and those people have the same problem. besides, when i play long enough, THE DARKNESS GOES AWAY. if it goes away, and i am able to see the landscape, does that sound like a hardware problem to you???? i think that they just changed the sys req for the game so they didnt have to be responsible for any problems.

                    in any case though, what angers me is that they made this huge game that requires a lot of resources when traditionally Civ has not been like that.

                    btw i have xp.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kool-Aid Man
                      i disagree about the patch not working on my machine. there are people running video cards that according to 2k games ares supported by the game, and those people have the same problem.
                      That's because they haven't updated their drivers or they're using an old card that may not handle modern requirements for Hardware T&L. And many of those are getting the game to work properly though it runs very slowly.

                      besides, when i play long enough, THE DARKNESS GOES AWAY. if it goes away, and i am able to see the landscape, does that sound like a hardware problem to you????
                      Whether you choose to accept it or not, it is a hardware issue.

                      in any case though, what angers me is that they made this huge game that requires a lot of resources when traditionally Civ has not been like that.
                      Things change, that's life. Civ 4 is only taking advantage of technology that's been around for at least 5 years. If you want to complain, do it to Intel for making a video card that's way behind the times.


                      • #12
                        but Kool are you operating wiondows 2000 or xp...


                        • #13
                          i am being irrational, i know. like you, i have been waiting for this game for quite some time, and now to not be able to play it the way it is meant to be played bothers and annoys me. even if it is my fault. if only i had known a YEAR ago that this computer was going to suck so much....

                          i could go on, but i wont


                          • #14
                            i wrote it... i have XP


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kool-Aid Man
                              i am being irrational, i know. like you, i have been waiting for this game for quite some time, and now to not be able to play it the way it is meant to be played bothers and annoys me. even if it is my fault. if only i had known a YEAR ago that this computer was going to suck so much....

                              i could go on, but i wont
                              The Hardware T&L requirement has been known for quite some time now. The fact that it uses the same game engine as Pirates! was definitely a clue. I ran into the same situation with that game. I couldn't get it to run until I went out and bought a new video card that supported T&L. I know it sucks having to spend money to upgrade your gear, but that's part of wanting to play computer games. Sooner or later your system becomes obsolete.

