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City Build Queue

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  • City Build Queue

    Hi all,

    Is there anyway to insert a build order into a particular position in the queue list? Obviously, if you click on an item, that item is removed and click adds the order to the beginning of the list. It seems there should be a way to select an item already in the queue and place an additional order ahead/behind.



  • #2
    To queue an item to be built next, hold shift and click on the item; it will be built after the current item is done. To prioritize a new item, just click on it and it will be started, and the item you were already working on will be put in the queue, and work will recommence once the new item is done.


    • #3
      Of course, there's no simple way to move a queue'd item to the top of the list. You have to pull it out and put it back in.


      • #4
        Thank you...


        That is exactly what I want to do... restructure the queue on the fly, without having to completely rebuild it. Not a big problem, but it would be nice to be able to insert an order (say a newly discovered building) into the middle of the queue...

        Anyway, back to conquering the world...

