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WHy cant we have the Build of Code that Review sites and Beta got?

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  • WHy cant we have the Build of Code that Review sites and Beta got?

    You seem to have changed the code and some options for Final Release?! Why did the review sites and Beta team get a different version? Can we have the more stable working version? They seem to be reviewing this game as a 4-5/5 so far so they must be playing something different then what we were shipped!


    Wheres our stable code?

  • #2
    It's conspiray, didn't you know?

    Maybe the problems isn't as widespread as it seems.

    Minority making a lot of noise, making a lot of new threads on the same topic, shouting very loudly. Sounds familiar?
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      Yeah Right. Firaxis shipped the Less Stable Version, and kept the more stable version all to thierselves.

      Ask yourself this, Is there a gameplay issue, or is there a 'getting it to run' issue?

      From a Gameplay standpoint - The game ROCKS.

      From a 'Running and Staying Running' standpoint, there are some hardware incompatibilities (That are being addressed). Media Reviewers got pre-production review copies (THAT THEY EXPECTED MIGHT CRASH). That's why they didn't mention the "Does it run"issue, and mainly spoke about the fact that "This Game ROCKS!"

      Just my two cents.

      ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----


      • #4

        From what you Quoted!My spelling bad!..hehe)

        From a 'Running and Staying Running' standpoint, there are some hardware incompatibilities (That are being addressed). Media Reviewers got pre-production review copies (THAT THEY EXPECTED MIGHT CRASH). That's why they didn't mention the "Does it run"issue, and mainly spoke about the fact that "This Game ROCKS!"

        I agreed with this part..but its not some hardware...its LOTS of it and how this got released is beyond my belief system that they didnt know it was this bad! It is CTDing on all systems..not just some but ALL systems!


        PS. I work with a large Computer Distributor here in Canada and I have also told everyone to hold on buying this product until bugs are fixed because in is unstable!

        Now saying what I just said I also told them this is a fantastic game when it does work yet its not worth the customer complaints you are going to get and the lack of support coming out of Firaxis...Also 2kgames in UK anwsers the tech phones with 7 people for about 2000 calls an HR! I was speaking to one of them for 30-45 mins yesterday about the situation. 2000 Calls on this game alone per HR!!!! Tell me there isnt a problem...Just tell me!?
        Last edited by Civfreak1970; October 30, 2005, 19:43.


        • #5
          I actually don't think the reviewers got a less stable version; they only got it a few days before us, and after it went gold, so they likely got the Final Release version.

          However, reviewers have fully up-to-date drivers, and machines that are specifically designed for game reviewing, with little else gunking it up.

          They'll also have the 'little' things done right, like motherboard driver and BIOS updates, that prevent hidden problems that are very hard to troubleshoot from cropping up.
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • #6
            great thread

            I hope no one takes your advice, they will miss out on a great time.


            • #7

              So I guess I must have forgot to update my drivers and BIOS yet again! Wake up idoit! You insult people thinking we dont know how to run a computer! I have everything up to date and running great! I have 0% problems with anything except for Civ4 when you get to say 1600-1900 AD and there is so many cities and units if you scroll the map it dumps you to desktop! This is a game bug sry to say!...Yet what can I expect from a person who has no computer skills?


              PS. This seems to happen so far only on Huge and Large maps! Huge will happen faster then Large by about 200AD Years! So as you scroll onto the mini map for about 20secs or more dump to desktop!

              **I guess you'll tell me know that 1 Gig of ram isnt good enough?(Test for errors too) Or maybe my Radeon 9550 256Meg Video Card is crap? Oh my 2.4Ghz PIV don't cut it? Any other excuses for poor BETA testing?


              • #8
                Maybe if you toned down the rhetoric a tad, people would listen.

                This game runs decently much of the time. It crashes sometimes, but it's an awesome game.

                Civ 3 lost my interest almost immediately with excessive micromanagement. Civ 4 is actually looking pretty reasonable.


                • #9

                  Hey! Dont get me wrong I love Civ4 and think its the best version yet by a landslide! Im complaining about the bugs in it and being released in such terrible shape..Beta even! Im also pissed at Beta Testers trying to cover their butts for missing some of these HUGE bugs. Yet once again I say that Civ4 is a great game and I can tell you the minute they come out on the webpages and say we are aware of theses problems and are making a patch asap and we are sorry for releasing the game in this shape...I will phone all the store buyers I know and let them know the game is getting fixed. Until then I hope they loss a ton of money in Western Canada! We cannot allow for another game company to treat its users this way. Maybe they are getting a bit harsh treatmeant yet we as consumers and retail sellers are always taking it in the butt time after time! What I think is the biggest problem is that its FIRAXIS doing it this time! We trust them SOOO much that I guess it stings real bad the way this thing is being handled.



                  • #10
                    Well, my game (and many other's) has NEVER once crashed or locked up or anything remotly like what you are talking about.

                    I am not saying you are lieing or wrong. I know there are crashes, but it sn't as bad as you are letting on. Your second post said it CTDs on ALL systems. WRONG! AMD 3400+ Socket 754 Windows XP SP2 1.5 gig ram, X800 XT-PE, no crashes here.


                    • #11
                      What size maps?

                      Have you played on Huge maps? Large Maps? Full games? This is where 99% Crashes are happening! Around 1600-1900AD! Using atleast 8 Civs - 18 Civs.


                      PS. Goto and read pages and pages of people complaining about these crashes!

                      **Im very glad you havent crashed..I'd say you are lucky one out of alot of others who are crashing!**

