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Fix for CRASH TO DESKTOP..Verified by myself and Take2 Tech Support!

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  • Fix for CRASH TO DESKTOP..Verified by myself and Take2 Tech Support!

    System Specs;

    P4 2.4Ghz
    Ati Radeon 9550 256MB
    1 Gig Ram PC 3200
    40 Gig 2MB 7200/RPM 133
    SB Agudity OEM

    All latest Drivers.

    Click Start/Run/Dxdiag

    Under Sound Tab go down and disable all Sound Accelleration! It crashes unless this is set to off!(Dont worry you still have nice sound!)

    Run game and so far hasnt crashed in serveral tests.

    *We also believe that there is a Memory leak somewhere in the game or between Ati Drivers 5.10 and or other Video cards and game. This the only game I have problems with!*

    Thank You


    PS. I hope this works for you all!

  • #2

    Game is still crashing I spoke too soon!

    Dammit fix this Take2!!!!!!!


    • #3
      The crash to desktop thing is driving me crazy. For a short time, I was hopeful only ATI users were suffering.


      nvidia 6800gt (gigabyte)
      Drivers tested: many. 71.11, 81.85, 81.87 (beta)

      After a good first two days, I had no crashes to desktop. I did have one hard freeze (had to reboot). Now, I get crashes to desktop FREQUENTLY (every 10 minutes). I have 8gb ram, so I doubt a memory leak is killing me that soon.

      Any help out there?




      • #4
        CTD every 10 mins? I feel sorry for you, I only get them every hour or so - my 512 RAM pwnz you :P


        • #5
          Now that's funny.


          • #6
            My main problem is once I get a CTD, I get it at the same point. That is to say, I can load up a save file and it will crash at the same point.

            I tried turning off sound acceleration and loading a save and I still get a CTD.


            • #7
              Page File!

              Hi all!

              I was talking to some others I work with in the computer field and it seems that the Page File is filling up and it isnt rewritting itself! Do doesnt matter how much ram you have or even how big you set the Page File because its somewhere written in the scipt somewhere?!

              Im having a HUGE problem figuring out how this passed Q/A?



              • #8
                I'm having crash to desktop (CTD) problems too; however, I can save and load normally. I have taken to quicksaving my game after every turn, it's that bad.

                The frequency of the crashes seems to be increasing. I suspect something about the increased number of units as the game continues (I've only played this one game). It started crashing once every couple of hours, now it crashes after about ten or twenty minutes.


                • #9
                  This game definitely needed better testing. The ATI issue is a huge problem to miss completely.

                  But, at least there is a workaround for that... no help for us with CTD problems, yet.


                  • #10
                    one of my biggest pet peeves is this rush to publish crap. Poor planning and "the suits" need to "get it out before christmas" (or to compete with AOE) allows them to rush out an unfinished/untested product.

                    So I went to saving my game after every turn... worked for a while... ctd .. a whole game in that way.... Whoopie.... now it just ctd on the saved game load.

                    Boo Sid you should be ashamed.


                    • #11
                      I've started a thread for trying to debug this issue.

