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dark terrain map

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  • dark terrain map


    I have just gotten the game and I do not know wether the terrain is supposed to be dark in the beginning of the game. I can only see my cities, units and some terrain features - but almost everything is dark. Is it a problem with my system or will this change eventually? If it whill change, when will it do so?

    Thanks for your help!


  • #2
    What graphics card do you have?
    A few of us with nVidia GeForce's have similar problems and no clear solution yet
    .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......


    • #3
      You're probably better off checking out this thread at CivFanatics:

      When I started a game, the terrain was completely black, even where I had units. When I loaded the World Editor, the terrain was illuminated, but it became black again when I closed it. In a "Future" start, the terrain was visible, but not bright.

      The elitists around here will just tell you that you have crappy hardware and to go out and buy a new video card.
      What is


      • #4
        Thanks to many hours spent browsing these forums trying to figure out how I'll be able to get maximium playability of the game out of my laptop or desktop, here is what appears to be your only option without spending another dime.

        You have to go into WorldBuilder and enable the view all tiles option.

        It's kind of cheating, but with the inbuilt video chipset you have (I'm guessing Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller), it's your only option other than upgrading your video card, which you can't do if you have a laptop.

        You will see the entire map from the get go - from what I hear, it's like you've explored everything, but don't have a unit actually sitting there so you can see everything.

        Some basic "house rules" should let you play it to some degree of enjoyability if you can't afford a new video card at this point.


        • #5
          You can go into WorldBuilder put a scout in the center of the map and let him auto-explore without clicking the reveal whole map icon. It may help with making the Fog of War work better though not perfect. Its worked for me a few times. Clearly there must be a software issue, because on my same setup I can have evil darkness and workable Fog of War, just by adding one unit
          .......shhhhhh......I'm lurking.......proud to have been stuck at settler for six years.......


          • #6
            Check this thread here for a little more info.

            If you ask me, the thread (linked one) should be stickied.

            I can only imagine how many people are having this issue, and this thread explains the ONLY work around I know of to date without sopending more money on your system.

