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Manual Erratta

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  • Manual Erratta

    From the readme:

    Hotkey / Interface Changes
    * [ESC] will close every screen.

    * Pillage hotkey was changed to [Shift – P]

    * Improve Nearest City (Automated) is now [Shift - Ctrl - C]

    * Intercept hotkey was changed to [I]

    * Contact Civ Pop-up by pressing [Shift – D]

    * To a activate Voice over IP in multiplayer, press the [Scroll Lock] key.

    * You can declare war by pressing [Alt] and clicking on the name of the enemy leader in the score display.

    * To change a units name just click on their name on the bottom left side of the screen.

    Gameplay Changes
    * Spy does not cost any gold per turn

    * Calendar now centers the world map (instead of Astronomy)

    * Border expansion occurs in a city when the city’s culture is 10, 100, 500, 5000, 50000 (Normal Game Speed)
    Jim Cobb

  • #2
    "Calendar now centers the world map (instead of Astronomy)"

    So what does "Centers the World Map" mean?

    Some Wonders do this as well.

    I saw no mention of it in the Manual or Civilapedia.


    • #3
      It means you can zoom out to the point where you can see the north and south poles, though they may still be in the fog of war. As far as i can tell, its purpose is to give you an idea of which directions exploring may be more fruitful (e.g. don't head south when you know its going to be tundra and ice)


      • #4
        In the begining, your minimap as zoomed in, and your civ is more or less in the middle.

        When it gets centered, it shifts to show your true position in the world.


        • #5
          I have a couple of questions:

          1. What does "sneak attack" mean in the options screen (under the game tab)?

          There are more....just cannot remember them at the moment....


          • #6
            I remember my other question....

            If you turn off "Time victory"....does that mean the game will go beyond the turn limit (was it 2050?)




            • #7
              Originally posted by MythicalMino
              I have a couple of questions:

              1. What does "sneak attack" mean in the options screen (under the game tab)?
              I think it means that if you have open borders with a civ and you go to war, their units aren't automatically removed from your cultural borders. This would allow a war inducing sneak attack from a seemingly friendly civ. (correct me if i'm wrong, this was a hunch)

