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Covered in darkness! :( :(

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  • Covered in darkness! :( :(

    I get Civ4 to install and even to load up to game... but the entire map screen is nothing more than black void! The cities and units are up but nothing on the ground shows at all... if I zoom out I can see a little bit, but thats no way to play...

    I reduced the quality of the graphics in hopes to correct it but it failed to make a change... ....
    Siga El Conejo Blanco
    Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
    | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |

  • #2
    What video card do you have?
    What is


    • #3
      I will be frankly honest and admit I have no clue of ANY of my specs..

      (if you could please inform me how to find all those specs out it would go greatly appreciated)

      however someone once said on a thread that if a computer could run Pirates then Civ4 would be alright... i run Pirates with some ease yet this happens with Civ4?

      EDIT: Could this be a T&L problem? .... I wanted Civ4 to work so bad...
      Last edited by ElConejo; October 29, 2005, 02:48.
      Siga El Conejo Blanco
      Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
      | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


      • #4
        When I attempt to play the game...
        Attached Files
        Siga El Conejo Blanco
        Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
        | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


        • #5
          What in the blue blazing...? When I open the World Editor however I see everyone fine...
          Attached Files
          Siga El Conejo Blanco
          Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
          | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


          • #6
            Any one who can fix this terrible problem I will promise to fight to the death not matter what for them and them alone in a team game
            Siga El Conejo Blanco
            Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
            | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


            • #7
              That's because the FOG (fog of war) is gone in the worldbuilder.
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                But.. no.. the thing is not that FOW is gone, its that I can SEE THE TERRAIN... which in the first picture is what is wrong... I cant see the ground at all or the water or anything that my unit should see even just standing there...
                Siga El Conejo Blanco
                Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
                | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ElConejo
                  I will be frankly honest and admit I have no clue of ANY of my specs..

                  (if you could please inform me how to find all those specs out it would go greatly appreciated)
                  Go here:

                  Follow the instructions on that page. It should list your system specs alongside of the game requirements.
                  Oh.. No.. This must be what going mad feels like.


                  • #10
                    I'm having the exact same issue. We can remedy it by using the map editor but it reveals the entire map which is also a problem. These are my system specs:

                    Processor: Pentium M 1.8GHz
                    Memory: 1Gig DDR
                    OS: Windows XP SP2
                    Video: Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller
                    Video RAM: 64.0 MB
                    3D Acceleration: Yes
                    HW Transform & Lighting: No

                    Any ideas are very welcome. Thanks!



                    • #11
                      Here also the same probs. Tried everything i could find from deistalling codec drivers to updating my video drivers. Even tried the ati aproach but alas.

                      I have the following specs:
                      Proc: P4 2850 mhz
                      Mem: 512 DDR
                      OS: XP Home sp2
                      Video: Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV (it sux i know) 64 mb

                      Looks like the intel cards all have the same prob. If anyone could help out that would be great!

                      Thanks in advance


                      • #12
                        The Intel "video cards" do NOT support T&L which is required for Civ4. Yes, those integrated Intel video chipsets are crap. There's no solution for this, unfortunately, the machines simply don't meet the minimum specification.

                        The only solution is to buy a new video card. It's possible to buy an older card, such as a GeForce 4 MX or a GeForce FX 5200 real cheap, however.
                        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                        • #13
                          Are there any video card solutions for laptops?


                          • #14
                            that sux my mobo doesn't have a agp slot and only a onboard videocard from intel. So i now i need a complete new motherboard to go with that.

                            Never buy a dell cauze they **** you over....


                            • #15

                              Same problem. My video card meets the Min Specs, but not the recomended. (That link above to ckeck campatability with you system is awsome by the way).

                              I cant see the terrain, and it runs really slow to boot. The easy solution is a new video card.

                              But there is another problem, apparantly teh slot for my card is outdated, ,so I either have to buy an outdated video card or a whole new motherboard and new video card

                              WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY MAKE THIS GAME 3D!?!?!? IT SERVES ABSOLUTELY NO PURPOSE AT ALL!!!!!!!!! FREAKING IDIOTS. stupid jerks should be kicked in the head

                              3d is the worst thing to happen to games ever. they spend too much time reinventing the 3D wheel, and not enough on the game it's self.

