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No Tech From Goodie Huts?

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  • No Tech From Goodie Huts?

    Anybody else seeing this? Running 8 civs on Hot Seat at Settler level, everytime hit a goody hut that announces a tech award, no tech is given.

    Am I missing something? it's not some new deal where it awards tech points instead of an actual tech, is it?

  • #2
    ive been told i got a tech many times (ol lenord nemoy even done his little shpeel ) but i never actually recived it and still had to research it. this has happened not only from tribal huts but occationaly from great ppl as well


    • #3
      The great people thing is happening in (more) modern times, right?

      If it's a very expensive tech, he may only contribute towards getting it, not giving it you completely. Something easily overlooked. I listed it as bug too once.
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • #4
        no, this is in the earlyer times, when it gives you the whole thing, later in the game i seen it will tell you in the lower left how much of it they will pay tward it.


        • #5
          I popped and received Mysticism from a hut in a SP game.
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

