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A few comments and a complaint

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  • A few comments and a complaint

    I just finished my first game, and had comments on a few things I noticed. I played a game on normal speed/large map, and even though it took 7 hours, it still felt rushed at the end. Guess I'll have to play on epic next time. Second thing is, the world was amazingly stable politically, almost stagnant. The egyptians and Chinese fought some border skirmishes, but only ever exchanged one city back and forth. I took it upon myself to wipe out the spanish in the early modern age just so I could get a taste of the new combat system (which I enjoyed).

    My complaint is kind of a nitpicky one. It was irritating to sort the city list in the domestic advisor by whatever metric I was concerned with, find what I was looking for, and then not be able to directly access the relevant city screen from inside the advisor.

    Other than that, great game.


  • #2
    I've also observed that things are very stable politically. I haven't actually tried to anger anyone, yet.

    What leaders were on your borders?


    • #3
      I haven't tried the game yet but from what I've been hearing many people are completing their first game without even one war. This is a nice change from civ3 where war was inevitable no matter what the circumstances of the game. Do you guys find that the political climate is too stable? Will the AI ever declare war without a good reason? Sneak attacks can be fun too lol



      • #4
        Isn't there an "aggressive" setting for the AI in the setup screen? I'm at work and can't confirm this, but I believe I saw it and thought to myself: "Excellent. Will be setting this to 'on' very soon."
        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


        • #5
          I found it to be perfect. Civ3 was to aggressive, and i played on regent .

          There were a few wars, but overall everything was stable. I was surprised though that the russians sneak attacked me in the modern age despite having "pleasant" relations.

          I guess they felt threatend by my superior score + only 30 turns left before game end.


          • #6
            there should be an instigate/frame command for spies


            • #7
              The Civ4 strat guide, page 20, says there is a new emphasis on stability and buildout and a bias against casual warmongering. Seems to be the case.


              • #8
                Yeah, there is an aggressive AI option in the custom game menu, complete with tool-tip "The AI will prefer war to diplomacy". I'm going to try a more continental map this time with the default settings. I'm not sure which axis I'll move out on first, difficulty level or AI aggression. It was pretty interesting having 5 cultures all cramming on their spaceships simultaneously, and almost losing... on Noble...


                • #9
                  Anyone know if the AI changes its strategy for endgame? IE--making allies against the strongest player, attacking those close to winning?


                  • #10
                    I always play with aggressive AI on now. makes the game more interesting, IMHO. glad that ther eis the option to mix up the AI personalities just a bit.

