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I may be stupid...

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  • I may be stupid...

    ...or I may be blind, but I can't see how to list the overall resources for my nation. Any suggestions? (Yes, I did search before posting, I didn't see anything, and sorry if this has been brought up before.)

  • #2
    There is a sort of view of this on the Foriegn advisor screen (at least in the late game) - click the resources tab. It shows what you have available, and what otherpeople have available and whether they will trade it or not..

    It is however crippled in that it doesn't let you know the NUMBER of those resources available to you and to others... I don't want to trade my only coal, and I'm darn sure not going to talk someone into trading me thier only Iron. (Yes I know those numbers are visible on the diplomacy screen, but the whole idea of reducing Micro Management is to not need to go into diplomacy to ask a silly question)


    ---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----


    • #3
      Problem is, it only shows up when you can trade at least with one leader. In the beginning when you do not have a traderoute yet, nothing shows up.


      • #4
        Assuming all of your sities are conected to the capital VIA roads/coastline and you have to correct tech for coastline traderoutes, you can click into your capital and all resources will be listed in the upper right of the screen with the quantities of each.

        Maybe there should be an additional tab on the Finicial advisor or Demostic advisor screen with resources broken down to which cites have them available, which city the resource is closest to (Defense considerations), how many of each resource is available, and which resources are being traded to the AI/received from the AI. All of this on one screen would be nice and neat. Maybe a "Resource Advisor" is needed.
        Last edited by Nailfoot; October 28, 2005, 16:47.

