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Game works good, until religion

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  • Game works good, until religion

    K, after getting rid of that darn renderer bug, the game's running great. Finally started a game, and am having fun. One thing seems outa place, is that units that move around don't seemlessly go from square to square. I order the move, then half a second later they pop into the next square.

    Seems kinda cheesy, maybe a bug.

    But I was willing to overlook that, until I discovered a religion. Hinduism, if that matters. The screen starts to zoom in, then the text all ends up screwy. I press escape, and eventually get back to gameplay, and attached, is the main view. Needless to say, it's unplayable.

    Worked near flawlessly up to that point though!

    AMD 64 3200+
    ATI Radeon X800 PRO 128 MB (5.10 CAT's, from the first tech "solution")
    SB Audigy 2 ZS

  • #2
    That's pretty ugly. Is that card brand new? Does it run other things without artifacts? I only ask because I had an old FX5200 that died looking like that.


    • #3
      Well, from your specs it looks like you have a top notch system. I have an old system and the game works great. It seems that a lot of people having problems are those with the best systems. That is really weird


      • #4
        I have almost the same exact system as you, and I don't get that problem. The only problem I seem to get is the game will kick me out after playing a few hours. Kinda like they're making you have a life other than Civ4.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Danibal
          I have almost the same exact system as you, and I don't get that problem. The only problem I seem to get is the game will kick me out after playing a few hours. Kinda like they're making you have a life other than Civ4.
          It's not a bug, it's a feature.


          • #6
            Guess you don't know ATI huh? yeah, the X800 PRO is one of ATI's newest cards.

            Does anyone else have the animation problem with their units, when having them move from space to space? Is it intentional, not having an animation, or is it messed up for me?


            • #7
              In reply to #6

              I've noticed that if you move a unit only as far as it can go in one turn (1 space for a warrior or 2 for a scout for example) then they use animation. Moving longer distances they don't animate. Also, there's an option to disable animations and you may want to see if that's the problem. Hope you get it figured out soon.


              • #8
                The option to disable animations is turned off, as default, so that's not it. I decided to check the "show friendly moves" in case that helped too, but no.

                As for moving the unit, I have never seen the unit move smoothly at all. Right clicking on a space next to him, or even doing "goto" command never animated.

                Well, as long as I make sure that it's nbot normal. Might be related to prior issue, wierd graphics screen on a high-end card.


                • #9
                  Having that exact problem with the religion pop-up ..runs fine till then but as soon as I get a religion my screen looks exactly like your Sheesh what a mess.

                  re: quick moves ... mine does that when I have multi-turn moves as mentioned above just moving your max distance manualy each move shows fine but when you have it to goto move it quick steps over.


                  EDIT this is with an ATI 9600 pro btw


                  • #10
                    Tried every setting I could thing of, max things, turning things off, sound settings etc etc etc

                    I had a saved game right before I discovered hinduism so I keept trying things. This game just does not like ATI cards sadly

                    One work around I found is just to disable movies totaly in the ini file (in your my documents folder\games\civ4 folder

                    There is a setting there:
                    NoMovies = 0

                    If you set that to 1 it will stop the game corruption whenever a in-game movie is suppsed to play. Course you will miss the neat little movies ;p But at least I can play the game for now and hopefully they will get a patch out for ATI users soon.



                    • #11
                      Decided tp gove it another try this morning.

                      As a start I decided to go in and clear out the cache in aplication data/my games/civ 4

                      Deleted everything in the cache folder, loaded the game ..and now movies work fine. LOL this game is soooo flakey.

                      My guess is that somewhere along all the things I tried last night one of the steps actualy fixed the issue but the game created cache is very poor at refreshing itself with changes.

                      Moral of the story .... if your having problems with anything, clear out the game cache after anything you try



                      • #12
                        Clearing the game cache did indeed fix the wonder/religion moveis graphical bug. Additionally, the units now animate as they move from square to square (assuming that I manually moved them, automatic moves don't, of course)

