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Got rid of Chesire cat - got new problem - lost it - chesire cat returned...

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  • #16
    OK, so I've discovered something new about the game. If you're having the issue of yellow/white terrain.... If you press 'Alt-F' while in the game, it will switch to something called 'satillite view'....

    This is a top down view, similar to Civ 3 and like my above screenshot with the normal looking ground textures, but the difference is, you can zoom in and out just as far as you can in the normal view on the top down view and all the ground textures look normal!

    The drawbacks:
    The water, which is still black/black triangles most of the time.
    It is a little difficult to discern units on the map sometimes, especially if there is an improvement on the tile, but overall it's not that bad.

    Anyway, this may have been posted or whatever before, but I just found it and thought I'd share with everyone having a similar issue with the ground textures in case they didn't know about it. It works very well for me and greatly improves my enjoyment of the game (and also seems to improve the speed of the game itself in later stages for me).

    Give it a try. Hope it helps someone till we get some kind of permanent fix for this issue.
    Oh.. No.. This must be what going mad feels like.


    • #17
      I have the Radeon 7500 with 64 meg ram.

      With the latest Ati drivers, I have the "weird color terrain bug" without changing the speed of my AGP bus.(it's set at 4x). My leaderhead and all that is o.k, but the color of the terrain seem like too bright... or something like this.

      In smartgart:
      AGP Speed: 4x
      Fast Write: Off (Even if in my BIOS it's Enable)

      ** Is there anyone with technicall knowledge who can explain why changing the AGP Speed can affect the rendering of graphics?(Not the speed, but the image results) If we change the clock speed of the vid card, does it will change someting?


      • #18
        Originally posted by cronos_qc
        I have the Radeon 7500 with 64 meg ram.

        With the latest Ati drivers, I have the "weird color terrain bug" without changing the speed of my AGP bus.(it's set at 4x). My leaderhead and all that is o.k, but the color of the terrain seem like too bright... or something like this.

        In smartgart:
        AGP Speed: 4x
        Fast Write: Off (Even if in my BIOS it's Enable)

        ** Is there anyone with technicall knowledge who can explain why changing the AGP Speed can affect the rendering of graphics?(Not the speed, but the image results) If we change the clock speed of the vid card, does it will change someting?
        Well, when I try to run in anything above AGP 1x (or AGP OFF), my game just crashes... What are the rest of your system specs?

        As for why changing AGP seems to be working... I have no idea. I've tried overclocking and underclocking the actual clock speed/memory speed of the 7500 card using the Omega Drivers tool, but that had no effect on the game whatsoever for me.
        Oh.. No.. This must be what going mad feels like.


        • #19
          Amd Athlon 1.1
          Ati Radeon 64 meg
          768 meg Ram
          SB Audigy
          AGP: 4x
          Fast Write: Off
          Vertical Sync:Off

          WinXP Pro

          Last driver by Ati and DirectX9.0c

          To Fix our problem, we just have to wish Firaxis or Ati will find a way to fix this.

