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Unplayable Frame Rate

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  • Unplayable Frame Rate

    This topic has been touched on previously, but now that the rendering issue has been resolved I thought it might be a good time to bring it up again.

    Civ4 loads very well. The intro movies play, and the opening menus work correctly. When I (and several other people) enter a game, however, we only get about 5 frames per second. The entire interface is extremely laggy. Keyboard and mouse commands are delayed by quite a bit in response. If you zoom out to a level where units are not visible, the framerate goes to a fully playable level.

    Those of us with this problem are running above the minimum specifications, several people above the recommended as well. We have turned our graphics to the absolute minimum settings, tried every resolution, disabled sound, and updated both graphics and sound card drivers to the newest releases. None of these changes has any effect on gameplay.

    Here is a link to the thread in which we have been discussing the problem: Lagged Gameplay

    We have discussed the numerous symptoms of the problem quite thoroughly, tried several solutions, and reported our system configurations.

    Any help in solving this issue would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • #2
    I am also having this problem.

    I found that installing Omega Drivers helped a little and changing the priority of the civilization4.exe process to "realtime" helped a little bit. The game is still not running anywhere near as well as it should be and is bordeline unplayable 50% of the time.


    • #3
      Myself as well.

      I turned the graphics to medium and that helped a little bit.
      I'm not even supposed to be HERE today!!!


      • #4
        I suffer from this as well. The intro movie and all in-game movies stutter every second or so and the entire interface is quite non-reactive and everything delays.

        I have a Intel P4 3,0GHz (have tested both with and without hyperthreading), 1GB RAM, Windows XP SP2, Geforce FX 5200.

        This problem is the same no matter what resolution and/or in-game quality settings I choose. I have played one full game in windowed mode 1280x1024 (I think), and the delaying sure lets you think before you do something. Maybe a feature more than a bug?
        får jag köpa din syster? tre kameler för din syster!


        • #5
          I'm currently playing with my sound options, both in game and windows setting, so far nothing helps. I notice my rate slows way down, and stays down, after Wonder movies and the like.
          I'm not even supposed to be HERE today!!!

