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Potential Black Map Temp Fix

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  • Potential Black Map Temp Fix

    I am running on a IBM t-40 laptop at bear mins req's. (Radeon mobile 7500) I had the leader head and black map issue and fixed it by:

    Downloading the Omega Drivers from (Not sure if the ATI ones wouldn't do the same)

    and then turning of the AGP setting in the SmartGart tab.

    I also tunred down all the 3d settings (This I verified was not the issue but my game is really crawling) and I figure I will try to loose quality for performance and get something close to playable. I have a gig of Ram coming but I fear this will not solve the slow play only a patch will.

    The support line will just leave you on hold for 20 minutes then answer to tell you to call back in 24 hours.
    Last edited by wouellette; October 27, 2005, 16:08.