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Simple Requests for changes

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  • Simple Requests for changes

    The F1-F12 hotkeys are nice, but there's one thing that bothers me. You can't hit them again to exit the window! You have to hit the Esc key (or click "exit"). This is minor, but would be helpful (and i see no reason why it couldn't be easily added).

    My other gripe is with the Civilopedia interface. Why on Earth are there icons WITHOUT LABELS??? Once you click on one, then the list of them appears on the right, but it just seems strange... sometimes you don't know what the icon looks like for what you're looking for.

    Anyway, other than some minor interface details the gameplay is great!

    Feel free to post additional requests for changes. Hopefully we'll get a list of minor changes that could enhance user friendliness.
    Last edited by krytonix; October 27, 2005, 05:47.

  • #2
    Also, there is no section in the Civilopedia for Wonders. However, I did find that you could get to them by going into the science advisor window, right clicking on a tech that gives a wonder, and then clicking on the wonder icon there. The link to the wonders civilopedia entry just seems to have been left out of the civilopedia itself!

    Also, there are a lot of places in the civilopedia where keywords are blue as if you can click on them to get to a more detailed description, but you can't.
    Last edited by krytonix; October 27, 2005, 05:50.

