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Out of the Box Scenarios?

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  • Out of the Box Scenarios?

    What scenarios are included with the game?

  • #2

    1) Greek World. Set in the ancient Mediterranean, based on the map of Hecataeus. Roughly starts in 600 BC, but a small hit was taken on historically accuracy to get more ancient civs in (e.g. Celts, Germans, Macedonians). This has changed back and forth a few times but I think only the Romans, Persians and Macedonians are playable in the final version. Those civs also all start without cities, whereas other civs such as the Greeks, Egyptians, Carthagians, Babylonians, etc are well established. Also has an interesting feature: minor civs. They are basically Barbarians with a colour: diplomacy isn't possible and they don't found new cities (I think), but they have some starting cities and their own flag and the AI behaves somewhat different differently from Barbarians (I think they're less likely to attack you if you don't attack them). Full scenario (= WBS, XML, Python changes), designed by Rhye with help from me on the scripting.

    2) Earth 1000 AD. Has all the appropriate civs from 1000 AD (including the Holy Roman Empire, Byzantines, Vikings), though again some liberty was taken to fill some gaps, some civs start out without cities (IIRC Mongols, Malians, Aztecs and Incans), while others are well established. The New World is mostly empty at the start, the Old World mostly filled (with Barbarian cities where needed), though there's still some space for exampion in southern Africa and Northern Asia. Most civs are playable, a few aren't. This is the only 'WBS-only' scenario, which means no XML or Python changes, made by Rhye.

    3) American Revolution. Depicts the US Independence War. You can play as either the Americans or the British. Haven't had much of a chance to test it, so I can't give you too much details. Full scenario, designed by Trip.

    4) Desert War. A WWII North Africa/Mediterranean scenario. Uses teams: Axis team of Italy, Germany (based in Greece) and Vichy France (based in Morocco/Algeria) and Allied team of Britain (based in Egypt/islands around the Med), Allied Nations (US+Australia+New Zealand, based in Cairo and Gibraltar) and Free France (based in Israel/Syria). The players are not balanced, the teams (more or less) are, so should be fun in MP as well (though the Allied Nations don't have terribly much to do at the start). Showcases some interesting features such as UI modding and custom victory conditions. Covers the period 1941 - 1945. The most elaborate scenario, designed by Isak, Dale and me.

    None of these mods are horribly complex (though if you come from a Civ3 background you might disagree), but they're all fun to play, have a fairly high replayability factor and most importantly, they showcase the modding capabilities of this game -- although at least in the case of Python they only barely scratch the surface of what's possible (and SDK modding isn't included at all).

    I'm pretty sure at least one but possibly several scenarios will be released by Firaxis in the coming weeks/months, but although I know, I'm not gonna tell you which one(s)
    Last edited by Locutus; October 26, 2005, 23:49.
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      In addition to this there are a number of premade map, such as an Earth map, an Earth-during-the-last-Ice-Age map and probably a few others but I don't know for sure which ones, so I'd better keep my mouth shut lest I disappoint anyone.
      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #4
        Cool thanks!

