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No mp3s except Baba Yetu

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  • No mp3s except Baba Yetu

    I do not hear any mp3s in this game. The only time I do is the title screen, and when you zoom very close to the city. I do not hear the era specific music of any kind. I have an Audigy 2 which has worked for every single other game I have.

    I know there are others with this problem, what can I do? I have tried using different audio devices within the game, to no avail.

    I updated my drivers. No luck.
    Last edited by Node; October 27, 2005, 00:38.

  • #2
    I know there are others out there!


    • #3
      Just point the personal soundtrack option to the official soundtrack directory. Seemed to fix the problem for me.

      Are you getting the Nimoy narration at the beginning of the game? For some reason, I don't get it. :-(


      • #4
        I dont get that narration.

        Pointing the soundtrack to the soundtrack directory does not give you era specific mp3s, itll just play them at random.


        • #5
          Sorry. I posted this in another thread, but it probably should've went in here...

          For those (probably all of you) who can't get the soundtrack mp3s to play, it appears that it's an issue with the subfolder names not being correct. For example, Ancient music is stored in the Classical subfolder. You notice that you start getting music in the later eras, though I'm pretty certain several of them aren't in the correct age.

          Anyone care to sort them into the correct folders, and figure out what the name of the subfolder is for the Ancient era should be?


          • #6
            Also, I found out that I get the narration, but the game loads so quickly that I never waited around long enough to get it. I just had to sit and wait a bit.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Repairman_Jack
              Sorry. I posted this in another thread, but it probably should've went in here...

              For those (probably all of you) who can't get the soundtrack mp3s to play, it appears that it's an issue with the subfolder names not being correct. For example, Ancient music is stored in the Classical subfolder. You notice that you start getting music in the later eras, though I'm pretty certain several of them aren't in the correct age.

              Anyone care to sort them into the correct folders, and figure out what the name of the subfolder is for the Ancient era should be?
              Makes sense. I noticed that I wasn't getting any music in the game during my first session. When I took a break and went back, I was getting music. I thought it was just because I restarted the game, but it would fit with the sound working in later ages, since I was playing the same game. You'd think this would be something they would figure out when they play test. oh well.


