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What civs/leaders do you think you'll like most?

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  • #31
    I will be the USA.


    • #32
      I always start out with the Egyptians, then I play around with the rest then go back to the Egyptians, I see no reason to break with tradition.
      Israel or Siam would be a nice to play with but....once again they are not added lol
      "I aspire sir, to be better than I am" - Data


      • #33
        dont forget about what civics you choose

        would not this change how one leads?

        or would one go classic civics along with the nationality choosen?
        anti steam and proud of it

        CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


        • #34
          Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx

          Napolean is Aggressive/Industrious. Industrious gets +50% wonder production at last info I read. IMO, that sounds utterly broken on paper. Might not be in reality.
          I should know that, having read all that before.

          To be quite honest, all the traits except aggressive/spritual sound broken to some extent. Financial depends on how easy it is to make +2 commerce per tile. If this was an earlier civ, this might be my favorite trait. Simply go republic/democracy and you would get your moneys worth.

          Industrious and philosophical don't really need an explanation as to the possible abuse that could go on here. In fact, I'd rather not be at the mercy of a civ that actually is industrious/philosophical as grabbing half the wonders under their own power and the other half through GL abuse would make me somewhat sick. If they ran civic: bureaucracy then that would be even worse.

          And ICS might be feasible under expansive/organised.

          We'll see...


          • #35
            Well, seeing how there are not enough leaders to take up every trait combo, I hope that the ones that are really broken are not included.

            And seing how lon this game has been played, and by real top notch players, if the traits have not been balanced OK-ish (can't expect them catch everything, after all) then they
            1. don't deserve their reps and
            2. deserve to be stoned alive
            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


            • #36
              Better start finding your rocks then as its normally inevitable that good players don't play the same game as the one the creators intended.

              And who are these "top-notch" players anyway? I thought the beta testers (who mostly test for bugs anyway, not game balance) were anonymous.


              • #37
                My first few games will be learning exercises with increasing difficulty, and I will play them as Frederician Germany, probably. After this I will try out most of the other civs too, although my record of playing small exotic civs is rather slim; for example in Civ3 I'd gladly play India, China or Egypt, but rarely Maya, Aztecs or Zulu. In Civ4 I don't see myself playing Mali much (sorry Spiffor), even though I think it's a good pick as African token civ.


                • #38
                  Well, I would hardly expect Firaxis to go around and pick people randomly, when they could easily ask people from the online forums, whom Firaxis would know are skilled, to help Firaxis make the game.

                  I know of one person who is working on CIV. In fact, we all do. Trip works for Firaxis, and he is one such "Top notch" player.

                  And seeing that these players have been playing the game for more than a year now, from it's alpha onwards, they will not have been looking for bugs at the start, as so many could be introduced later on. they will have been testing the balance from the very start. Some of the testers will have poured so much into the game that they are more than just testers; they are the creators
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #39
                    Someone is obviously getting carried away.
                    He who knows others is wise.
                    He who knows himself is enlightened.
                    -- Lao Tsu

                    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by GeoModder
                      Someone is obviously getting carried away.
                      ain't that the truth.

                      I'm tempted to hold a game breaking competition where the first tactic that makes at least 50% of single-player 'polys scream "thats bull****!" gets 6 months apolyton+ paid for.


                      • #41
                        You meant an intended tactic by the "creators", or one invented/discovered by a customer after release.
                        He who knows others is wise.
                        He who knows himself is enlightened.
                        -- Lao Tsu

                        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                        • #42
                          And back to the original question:

                          Aztecs for my first game Earth map if there's one shipped with the game, b/c it's tradition ^^ ( yeah, tradition that started by me getting a Zulu Tank arse-whooping )

                          After that, give all the female leaders a twirl - since I know me; I['ll end up playing them lots in PBEM
                          But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                          PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                          • #43
                            There's a 'Terra' option to be seen in a worldbuilder screenshot, so I reckon there will be an earthmap.

                            So, any chance at a PBEM while you're playing as Catharina of Russia or Isabella of Spain?
                            He who knows others is wise.
                            He who knows himself is enlightened.
                            -- Lao Tsu

                            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                            • #44
                              AND!!1!11!!! LOL JUST IN CAES A DISPUTANT CALS U 2 DISPUT3 ABOUT THEYRE CLAMES
                              DO NOT THAN DISPUT3 ON THEM 3XCAPT BY WAY OF AN 3XTARNAL DISPUTA!!!!11!! WTF


                              • #45
                                Kublai Khan (Agressive/creative) sounds like the ultimate warmonger civ. Free promotion and then you can take the city raider promotion, cheap barracks (which gives a free promotion?) then city raider promition level two. This should make it easy to conquer cities. Then once you conquered the city you expand for free because of the +2 culture + cheap hapiness and culture (coliseums and theatres) to the conqered civcities.

                                With up to 20 promotions for each unit, warmongering will have an accumulative effect and pay off in a big way.

                                At least before in civ3 builders would be able to put up some kind of resistance, but not now, because even with the same number and same kind of units, the warmonger units will be superior in any way, because of the continious promotions in battle.

                                And the warmongering civic options have not been revealed yet.

