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Re: Fan Input Article

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  • Re: Fan Input Article

    ...This one:
    (25 August 2005, 22:06 | Civ4) GameSpy`s Allen "Delsyn" Rausch caught up with Sid Meier, Firaxis Games` Director of Creative Development, at this year`s "GenCon" gathering. In addition to the company`s Pirates! remake, Civilization IV comes up in the discussion. [W]e`re in the final stages of [its] production, Meier says. In terms of comparing this Civilization`s development over previous ones, the gaming industry veteran comments that it is much more of [a] collaboration between our designers and our fans. We`ve had a lot of feedback over the years about what works and what doesn`t in [Civ] and it`s had a big impact on the final game.

    Meier also mentions joking with Lynn Drover from Eagle Games, the company behind the Civilization boardgame that Drover`s company made a Civ title that`s [t]ru[ly] 3D and... inherently multiplayer.

    Earlier, Meier indicated that he was attending "GenCon" with his son, who`s into Role Playing Games (RPGs) and Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games, to spend some time with him, and check out some cool new games. No titles of Firaxis` are being promoted at the event, and Meier would not be specific on what titles post-CivIV his company is working on. I will say that I`m working on two things, though. If everything goes right, you should see them in [20]06 and [20]07. - DanQ
    This is great news for the Civ IV ideas community!

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    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    Maybe Dinosaurs is coming back

    Hopefully Colonization 2 is on the list ray:


    • #3
      let's just hope the civ4 community suggested good ideas.

      hmm, maybe I should have participated

      If this game sucks, I'm blaming all of you


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dis
        let's just hope the civ4 community suggested good ideas.

        hmm, maybe I should have participated

        If this game sucks, I'm blaming all of you
        Hmmm, IIRC Firaxis started developing Civ IV quite early, so they had available the famous "The List" made for Civ III - a list that they can't really used then, because the emergency of Civ III re-development with a new team, etc.

        Of course you can still blame many here at 'poly, because many faces are still here since then...

        In fact, you can gain a free, new reason to blame my friend Yin26, because of his role of "index and glue" of the many others contributions.

        No Yin, no need to thank me for this suggestion. You seems so untarget these days, I feel you were losing fitness and need some movement. BTW, movement can also help that famous cardboard digestive process, just in case.
        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
        - Admiral Naismith

