The stacked units seems to be worth little. How will the ai pick units? If it doesn't pick them right, then you'll revert to moving them by hand. I'd like to know what extra units do: IF I move 20 units against 1 unit, and my 3rd unit finally kills the opponent, what do the 17 other units do? Are they stuck or not?
As for wonders, Galciv has the feature where losing a wonder to someone else loses it all. I much prefer it to Civ or CtP's handling of wonders. If you have to think more before building a wonder, I think it's a good thing, but let boost wonder production (either caravan-civ2-like or through leaders a la civ3 - sigh - I liked caravans).
Incremental rush-buying in civ2 was clearly an oten-used exploit and I don't think too many people complained as it disappeared.
Now this
is confusing. Is he meaning you need less cities to spread yourself out and grab territory if you decide to pump them up or what? He's still saying you can spread over a broad area, but it is the spreading, not how it's done, that is the problem.
This can certainly make for interesting options and mods.
As for wonders, Galciv has the feature where losing a wonder to someone else loses it all. I much prefer it to Civ or CtP's handling of wonders. If you have to think more before building a wonder, I think it's a good thing, but let boost wonder production (either caravan-civ2-like or through leaders a la civ3 - sigh - I liked caravans).
Incremental rush-buying in civ2 was clearly an oten-used exploit and I don't think too many people complained as it disappeared.
Now this
You can still spread your influence over a broad area, but not have as many cities, necessarily.

In Civ IV, rather than having to have all the prerequisites to research something, you just have to have one of the prerequisites.