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  • New CIV Q&A

    Well, it seems new to me and it was posted a couple of days ago on Gamespot.

    We came out of the E3 demo impressed, but also brimming with questions. Thankfully, senior producer Barry Caudill was happy to indulge us.

    About stacks:

    You can still stack units and move them as a group, but I believe the new system promotes a combined arms approach rather than indiscriminate stacking. There are many shortcuts available for selecting any or all units on a given square, and the game determines the best attacker when you give a stack attack order, or the best defender when your stack is attacked.
    About religion an borders:

    The first person to discover certain technologies will find the religion associated with that technology, so you don't have to have the technology to convert. The easiest way to keep other people's missionaries out of your territory is by eliminating any open border treaties you might have. That would mean that the missionary unit could not cross your border without its owner declaring war first. Keeping your religion strong by aggressively building religious buildings and being aggressive in pushing your own religion with missionaries will also help.
    About system specs:

    We definitely don't want to alienate anyone, so we are keeping the minimum spec pretty reasonable. It will most likely be the same as for Pirates: a 1 GHz CPU, 256MB RAM, and a 32MB video card with hardware transform and lighting capabilities.
    About MP:

    Our persistent turn server is called "pit boss" and it will allow for players to play for as long as they want when everyone is connected. When people have to leave, the game can continue with players logging in for their turn, downloading the current game state, taking their turn, and then saving for the next player. At any time, they could all jump back in and continue in a real-time fashion again. It's like playing a streamlined version of play by e-mail or hot seat multiplayer.

    In real-time games, players will be able to play in simultaneous turn mode where everyone is moving at the same time. It makes for a faster-paced game. Players will also be able to form permanent or temporary alliances in which they share things like research and visibility with a partner or partners, and there is a new alliance victory condition as well.

    Civ IV multiplayer will succeed because it already has succeeded in that regard. As I mentioned above, we have been playing multiplayer games for over 18 months now, so we know this will be the best out-of-the-box multiplayer Civ experience ever.
    Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing

  • #2
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

