This thread exists to inform the community of changes made to the Information section of Apolyton's Civ4 website.
You can't post here, if you want to discuss any of these changes (or propose some yourself), post in the Discussion Thread instead. This thread only serves to provide summaries of changes made. Every post means a new update has been made, so you don't have to wade through long discussions. If you want to be kept up-to-date by email, subscribe to this thread (click here to do so) and you will receive an email every time I post an update.
You can't post here, if you want to discuss any of these changes (or propose some yourself), post in the Discussion Thread instead. This thread only serves to provide summaries of changes made. Every post means a new update has been made, so you don't have to wade through long discussions. If you want to be kept up-to-date by email, subscribe to this thread (click here to do so) and you will receive an email every time I post an update.