Please forgive the partial repost of my CPT2 entry but I fully realise that this forum might well have a considerably larger membership than the CTP2 one.
So here goes ....
I understand that the CTP2 Editor permits one to make truly enormous maps (there is a truly gigantic World Map of circa 11 000 x 11000 tiles available for download at this site) while, by sharp contrast, the original (but considerably newer) Civ3 Editor is restricted to a paltry maximum of circa 250x250 tiles. Therefore, the above comparison suggests that the CTP2 Editor should provide the ambitious designer with the opportunity of creating a truly monumental scenario that might qualify as an authentic MSP (Massive Single Player) game. [Although this particular type of gaming experience will not be to everyone’s liking, it should enable a gamer the opportunity of playing at his/her own pace against the computer-generated ai for weeks (or even months) in a single titanic scenario (that would be fairly compatible in size to that of the average MMO game). This MSP format would be exempt from the seemingly ubiquitous MMO-specific problem of being attacked by opponents while one is asleep or otherwise occupied away from the game. In addition, this game format should be free of other potential negative human interactions].
Surely, I am not unique in my desire to experience the epic challenge of a true MSP scenario as I am (quite frankly) becoming extremely bored and increasingly frustrated by being basically forced to play multiple one or two hour long scenarios on postage-sized maps. I know that most of these commercial (RTS) games have been deliberately designed for the average teenage player with a severely limited attention span but what about the older and more committed player who would like a somewhat deeper and more expansive gaming experience. Imho, these “mass-market” games characterized by severely restricted maximum map sizes and population caps seriously lack ambition. They generally merely represent “fast food”-type games with “jaw-dropping” graphics and highly derivative gameplay options. It is these ultra high-tech graphics that require powerful graphics cards and processors as well as huge amounts of memory to run that have severely (possibly terminally) limited the ability of most developers to even consider the possibility of creating an authentic MSP game.
It should therefore hopefully be feasible to conduct ones empire building on a truly massive scale (and I am most certainly not advocating the type of unit “spawning” that occurs in the Cossacks and American Conquest series as the player must be required to work fairly hard for each unit created or building erected I an MSP game in order to derive maximum satisfaction from his/her game playing experience and exploits). The primary focus of the empire building strategy would demarcate the “builder-warrior” (one who prefers building new cities and structures) from the “warrior-builder” (one who prefers to create great armies often featuring a diverse selection of military units).
Before one could even attempt to create a meaningful MSP game from this capacity seemingly afforded by CTP2, it would be necessary to investigate what type of modifications would need to be introduced in order to facilitate optimal gameplay on a truly gigantic map. Indeed, it would seem a reasonable idea to restrict this proposed mega scenario to the Ancient and Medieval periods (not only to encourage a certain mystical ambience but also to prevent it from becoming bogged down in the way distant future as a direct result of its significantly enhanced longevity).
So here goes ....
I understand that the CTP2 Editor permits one to make truly enormous maps (there is a truly gigantic World Map of circa 11 000 x 11000 tiles available for download at this site) while, by sharp contrast, the original (but considerably newer) Civ3 Editor is restricted to a paltry maximum of circa 250x250 tiles. Therefore, the above comparison suggests that the CTP2 Editor should provide the ambitious designer with the opportunity of creating a truly monumental scenario that might qualify as an authentic MSP (Massive Single Player) game. [Although this particular type of gaming experience will not be to everyone’s liking, it should enable a gamer the opportunity of playing at his/her own pace against the computer-generated ai for weeks (or even months) in a single titanic scenario (that would be fairly compatible in size to that of the average MMO game). This MSP format would be exempt from the seemingly ubiquitous MMO-specific problem of being attacked by opponents while one is asleep or otherwise occupied away from the game. In addition, this game format should be free of other potential negative human interactions].
Surely, I am not unique in my desire to experience the epic challenge of a true MSP scenario as I am (quite frankly) becoming extremely bored and increasingly frustrated by being basically forced to play multiple one or two hour long scenarios on postage-sized maps. I know that most of these commercial (RTS) games have been deliberately designed for the average teenage player with a severely limited attention span but what about the older and more committed player who would like a somewhat deeper and more expansive gaming experience. Imho, these “mass-market” games characterized by severely restricted maximum map sizes and population caps seriously lack ambition. They generally merely represent “fast food”-type games with “jaw-dropping” graphics and highly derivative gameplay options. It is these ultra high-tech graphics that require powerful graphics cards and processors as well as huge amounts of memory to run that have severely (possibly terminally) limited the ability of most developers to even consider the possibility of creating an authentic MSP game.
It should therefore hopefully be feasible to conduct ones empire building on a truly massive scale (and I am most certainly not advocating the type of unit “spawning” that occurs in the Cossacks and American Conquest series as the player must be required to work fairly hard for each unit created or building erected I an MSP game in order to derive maximum satisfaction from his/her game playing experience and exploits). The primary focus of the empire building strategy would demarcate the “builder-warrior” (one who prefers building new cities and structures) from the “warrior-builder” (one who prefers to create great armies often featuring a diverse selection of military units).
Before one could even attempt to create a meaningful MSP game from this capacity seemingly afforded by CTP2, it would be necessary to investigate what type of modifications would need to be introduced in order to facilitate optimal gameplay on a truly gigantic map. Indeed, it would seem a reasonable idea to restrict this proposed mega scenario to the Ancient and Medieval periods (not only to encourage a certain mystical ambience but also to prevent it from becoming bogged down in the way distant future as a direct result of its significantly enhanced longevity).