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Not another wishlist! (Can't help myself tho ;)

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  • Not another wishlist! (Can't help myself tho ;)

    Hi all,

    i'm new to apolyton and I want to make my small contribution... I've been with the game since Civ1DOS and I really liked Civ3 (definitely NOT the MP Humans vs AI tho! That was just messed up good!). So here's the wish list from a vet It's not sorted by priority, everything's important from my point of view.

    1. MP Humans vs AI: Please Firaxis, PLEASE do not mess up the multiplayer Humans vs AI again! I had dreams about having a game of civ with a friend battling some AI's on a huge map without like 15mins of waiting for the comp to calculate the AI's move (and then crashing on us...). Cooperative is the most fun MP! (IMHO)

    2. Unit activation: Ever had some units somewhere in the 50+ cities you owned in some game and needed to find them all? Make a keyboard shortcut like Strg+A with which you can activate all units of a kind. That rids the players of the tedious search that is still necessary in civ3

    3. Corruption: Do something about the ludicrous corruption. As it is now cities that are to far from the palace or forbidden palace are just useless. And all that moving around the Palace is just cumbersome.

    4. Future Age: Gimme some Cyber Age or something PLEASE! The thing is, Civ is a game with a great scope. What I always felt is missing since Civ1 is a vision. I'd love to see a whole new future age with a lot of new techs. I'd love to see cities on the bottom of the ocean, terraforming, Battlemechs and automated mass transit, the possibilities are endless. Now there will be some who will say, "but you've got AC for that stuff!". But I feel like there's a gap between Civ and AC that needs to be filled, because without a vision of the future (and building the SS for Andromeda is a petty excuse for one imho) Civ always felt (and still feels) incomplete to me.

    5. unit proposal: How about some Pioneer unit with which the player can lay minefields? Minefields could be a kind of terrain improvement which is invisible to hostile players until one of their units walk on the field... and BOOM they lack some considerable health (the loss should be greater for inf and lesser for ammored vehicles...). Pioneers would be the only unit to see enemy minefields and they would have the ability to dissemble them. That would encourage the use of various kinds of combat units further and open some really interesting tactical options not only from a defensive point of view.

    Well, that's it. I don't know if this will be read by sombody that can actually DO something about it, but I had to have that off my chest.
    Glad to hear your comments. Sorry for bad spelling and grammar.
    Last edited by Shigga; March 11, 2005, 09:21.

  • #2
    1: No comment, since I don't do multiplayer

    2: something I've suggested before.

    3. I'd say no corruption at all, but that's just me.

    4. I'm one of the ones who does want a future age. Maybe it should widely vary based on your choices. Some people seem to just not like the way it's been implemented in the past.

    Could easily be too late for this to affect Civ4 (original release anyway), but at least some of it's been suggested before and there's always expansions and Civ5.


    • #3
      well first things first. I really hope they don't mess up Civ4


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shigga
        well first things first. I really hope they don't mess up Civ4
        You're new to capitalism, aren't you?
        "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
        "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
        "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli

