Originally posted by realpolitic
As an example of rock-paper-scissors, something I heard on the history channel was interesteresting. Apaches used archers as a semistelth unit, because they were quiet, they claimed they could wipe out most of the troops in a fight by just using them.
As an example of rock-paper-scissors, something I heard on the history channel was interesteresting. Apaches used archers as a semistelth unit, because they were quiet, they claimed they could wipe out most of the troops in a fight by just using them.
GalCiv2 is using something like this.
I think that if there were "bombard" units (catapults, whattever), it can play a role like this. Such units are NOT only catapults sicne they have their little defense but they aren't neither a charging unit.
Rise of Nations had such a phenomenon with ground/air/navy units which can also exist in Civ (if air units actually work!).
A BALANCE between fast units and slower but stronger units can also exist, as in Age of Empires I/II. In Civ, it'd be cavalry / infantry, or tanks / infantry. Tanks / cavalry DO have some drawbacks normally and such costly drawbacks are not represented well enough it seems.
So my conclusion about the military aspect: it can exist and different strategies are possible... just as they will be in GalCiv2
