There is much leway in Democracies, a great difference between Europe and America, and I would like to implement them in civ4.
Liberal: European
Egaliarian - Universal Health Care & Inexpensive Colleges
Conservative: America
Libertarian to Military - "My country right or wrong"
The type could be eigther picked by player
or computer
By computer - starts as a liberal democracy - as a reaction to all the more elitist forms of government, then would shift[without anarchy] as a backlash to too much production of that government's specially ie building too many Universities, could cause a shift to a conservative democracy.
Liberal Democracies have cheaper builds for libraies, Universities Hospitals etc
Conservative Democracies favor building of units, marketplaces, banks and prisons.
Liberal: European
Egaliarian - Universal Health Care & Inexpensive Colleges
Conservative: America
Libertarian to Military - "My country right or wrong"
The type could be eigther picked by player
or computer
By computer - starts as a liberal democracy - as a reaction to all the more elitist forms of government, then would shift[without anarchy] as a backlash to too much production of that government's specially ie building too many Universities, could cause a shift to a conservative democracy.
Liberal Democracies have cheaper builds for libraies, Universities Hospitals etc
Conservative Democracies favor building of units, marketplaces, banks and prisons.