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  • Bugs?

    Hi Starbotten,

    TakeTwo- sounds good to me- I can't recall being annoyed with them, I know I have a couple of games by them!

    One of the things I'd really like to do is set up a web-site of good and bad companies that release games before they are ready- as "shareholder value" "will
    be "realised" if realised in March, or April" -Even it it is an utterly unready game.

    How many people have seen an advertisement for a recall within the motor industry?- how bad is the publicity for Ford or Volvo if it occurs?

    I personally think that as the Video card industry has no uniform standard, most developers try to develop a game within this jigsaw of developers of said cards, in order to please the publishing houses who have a publishing date for the said game.

    Once the developers hit the 30th video company code, or after spending two weeks trying to make the code work for "that" graphics card they must get really annoyed. Time the developers told the coders of the cards what to do, Voodoo or not.

    I really think the lack of action by the developers and publishers will eventually lead to consoles owning the market simply as the graphic card houses fail to see this challenge;

    Computer games are shipped with bugs, console games are not.

    Uniform standards like Direct X would please me a lot.

    Anyone wanna join me in setting up a site about graphic problems?- or lazy AI from publishers?- these companies are "cutting off their nose to spite their face" as I see it, the producers tend to take the blame, whilst the publishers should- as it is they alone that can effect the market- GoD (gathering of developers) started with the right attitude, but has now become a producer that ignores her developers.

    Dunno how to build a site!

    Ps, I've had to post this as a new subject- it isn't and was a reply to Starbotten and others.