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  • #16
    Not to get biblical and all but...

    In Genesis, depending on how you read it, Cain founded the first city in the land of Nod. Thus Cain was the first "settler" unit.

    And I would argue that most cities are artificially founded, meaning someone, a sovereign of some sort, "placed" them there. My home town, Sacramento, was founded when an alcoholic Mormon duped John Sutter's gullible son into selling city blocks to emmigrants. Not exactly the Settler-Unit model of Civ but certainly planned. New York (néé Nieuw Amsterdam), Paris, Rome and Alexandria are all examples of cities being placed by a higher sovereign at will.

    The problem of course is that in the word of Civ we play as an übersovereign who controls everything for all time. That, of course, doesn't exist (unless you're a really strict determinist). Although there are patterns to the location of cities (rivers, resources, etc.) that is not to be confused with their "spontaneous" creation.

    I thought we fixed this kind of thinking centuries ago.
    "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
    "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
    "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


    • #17
      I don't think anyone is actually proposing spontaneous creation of cities. What we are proposing is taking that decision (for the most part) out of the player's control. This doesn't mean that a city merely springs to life from nothing. It means that someone (the sovereigns you spoke of) has founded a city, it's just not the player doing all the work.
      ->right back at you...


      • #18
        A large part of the skill in civ is choosing the right city locations for the style game you wish to play, number of cities and their size, it is rediculous to even consider taking some control over city founding and placement out of the control of the player, that aspect must be under the players control at all times or its not civ


        • #19
          well, then I guess I don't want to play civ...


          • #20
            The most obvious example of a leader (King/Queen) telling a group of settlers where to settle would have to be Sydney.

            13 tall-ships set sail from Portsmouth loaded with criminals, military families and free settlers with the express orders to settle a new city where Sydney now stands.

            All of Australia's capitals were settled this way.

