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Propose New Things in civ4

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  • Propose New Things in civ4

    I think that biggest improvment in new civ should be in AI and diplomacy. AI should be increasd and Diplomacy should be better organised with much more things to do.

    There should be Concils where you wil be able to propose some things like banning nuclear wepons or to decide in conflicts who is an agresor.

    It wil be good if you could make terms whene you sign aliance.Like when wil you involve in conflict or when wil aliance be broken.

    It should be posible to make borders agreement so it want be possible to "steel" teritory by making a city near border.

    Comerce should be easier. You put something on market (oil) and you make price (100s per barel) and who want to buy oil. NEGOTIATEs with you.

    When you make right of passage agremet that you give him a route, where his trops can move and that you can let him have just some sum of troops on your teritory.

    There should be "status meter" of your relatinships with others.(1-100) These status points wil be representing your relations in past 200 years. So if you have with somebody good relations in last hundred years, he wouldnt attack you for some amal reson. (usa-canada)

    I think that it wil be good that you need to make Tank, airplane, howitzer... factory to make that kind of WEAPON. So you should protect that town.
    It wil be strategic town couse these factoris wil be expensive. Then will precision strikes become very important (Iraq)

    It will be good that you need to make oil-pipes from oil-source to the factories to build units.

    It will be also good that you can produce your own units(you shoose what will you put in them) and that you can then sell them to other civs (like now americans do)

    There should be unit-limit. It will be proportional to population. And when you lead war without many casulties (with guided misailles) people wouldnt protest against war.

    Heavy machinery shoudnt go over mountines without road. And there should be bridges and canals whic will be hard to build so it will be strategic points.

    Money should be more important (only in Capitalisam) and tax system should be harder. So you couldnt build Highways without any sence. Ande whit more money you could develop better Units.

    There are many more improvments that will i do, but now you write.

  • #2
    It will be good if you could choose culture or religion, and the with nations with same coulter you will be in better relations( status meter)


    • #3
      Resorces shold be infinite.(with some sume) And you should buid mines or platforms... to exploit resource.


      • #4
        It will be good that when you destroy or occupy the town that land stays in your borders and that borders cant go over big rivers ore big mountins without a bridge or a road so borders wil be much more realistic. (Like in europe reihn ,alps ,pyrinejs,donau...)And there should be action that your unit on enemy teritory can ocupy that square like in real war.

        Also if you cant reach your ally. Becouse you cant get to him couse your enemy is between you , that you cant trade with him.

        And there should be ability to build wall on open teritory.(hadrian and chinese wall)Only usable against ancient units. Units should have 1radius square of area where enemy unitis cant pasa throu like in civ2.

        And your army should be able to defend ally town from inside.


        • #5
          Try this.


          • #6
            I am 16 and i didnt read other discusions so im just proposing new things to you so you can develop them furthermore! I think the ideas are good so nyou should consider them!


            • #7
              i didnt read other discusions

              There's your problem. btw, you should try to spell and use punctuation.


              • #8
                Whats search?
                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                • #9
                  I think, like kolaps eluded to, there should be factories you have to build before you are able to produce tanks, for instance. A city size of 1 should not be able to build a tank unless it has a tank factory. And then, production would be based upon the amount of labor and materials that can be found or shipped to the city.

                  I'd like to see a trade model like in Railroad Tycoon series where you have to convert raw materials into, say, steel, then ship the steal to a factory to make things like tanks.

                  That way, strategic bombing can be an option later in the game. You can target a steel plant, for instance, to disrupt production of units requiring steel.
                  To us, it is the BEAST.

