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Bring back the civ1 leaders and add as much personality as possible to them

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  • Bring back the civ1 leaders and add as much personality as possible to them

    I think civ1 has the best leader selection of all civ1 games.

    Having Stalin surrounded by commie advisers delcare war on you for no reason is exactly what let the game come alive. It let you really hate him, it let you become really emotional about it, it let you want to burn moscow. It is much more emotional and alive then just having that ugly russian woman her head declare war on you. I don't care wathever having Stalin as Russian leader is politically corect, it makes the game more fun and that is all I care about.

    I rather fight high profile leaders with strong personalities like Napolean, Stalin, Mao and Caesar then lesser know average leaders.

    On a similar note: make the evil empires REALLY evil and make the good empires REALLY good. Having evil bastards who treaten to take over the world and having extreme friendly leaders who you want to protect and who shall never betray you is exactly what gives the game emotion, what let it come alive.

    So ghandi should really be a saint who never attacks first and who is always extremely friendly even towards mini empires. The mongols should declare war on everyone they meet and try to burn all there cities to the ground. Stalin should attempt to make the whole world client states of great Russia. Napoleon should really be on a crusade to end the monarchies and he should do all he can to help other republics survive. Mao should really focus on trying to let the population of his empire grown as fast as possible.

    Empires should differ in more then just names and unique units, they should have very different personalities and strategies. Having empires with very different personalities and strategies adds greatly to replay value and athmosphere.
    Last edited by kolpo; December 27, 2004, 09:02.

  • #2
    hmmm.... Wouldn't that just make the game more predictable? I would rather stay with the set of leadership qualities that respond to what's happening in the game. It's not perfect, but it works to a degree.

    If you treat a nation right, it's leader will be favorable to you. If it has a reason, or financial enticement, it may attack you. This gives every nation to have the opportunity to be "evil" or "good".

    The understated nature of the civ traits provides some motive and inclination to certain activities. That's the right approach.
    Haven't been here for ages....

