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  • #16
    AI is my serious choice, however I voted banana because . . . oh, wait, no I didn't--you didn't give me the option!
    "We may be in a hallucination here, but that's no excuse for being delusional!." K.S. Robinson, 'The Years Of Rice And Salt.'


    • #17
      The five topics in the post do not quite match the vote options. I will describe more then, I voted AI behavior, though I would avoid cheating AI. While some bonusses to the AI are good - it is better to be defeated by the AI having as close abilities as possible to human player. I would see very elaborate AI in the future game.

      Second goes diplomatic model - very close to AI actually. I would see more options for human-human diplo

      Third - military aspect - CUSTOMIZABLE units as in SMAC/X
      Map creation contest
      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


      • #18

        Sorry mate- I didn't think the poll had worked, so my list should have been the poll choices- but I did say that up at the top!


        Surely it's easier to provide scenery and then let humans use their brain for AI (Unfortunately they will lose a lot of money as the idea doesn't appeal to many- 2 hours, post work before a wife complains, even though I fit neither, but agree!

        Today whilst plying through the endless cycle of cleaning pollution I got wondering about what Civ4 might bring, as this one is the worst one. like the Railroad Tycoon version is- I imagined having a settler unit in 3D looking towards a mountain range once London began- If they do it in 3D having X number of cities will be meaningless, as the defence of the (fewer) cities will be given attention- and at the end of the day, having 125 isn't fun, it's simply necessary to dominate.

        Darkcloud- Diplomacy- I want real diplomacy- I can currently put 8 attacking units beside the capital city of a nation and 4 against the other city they still have and then offer "our troops....." etc baloney choice and they still refuse! Next go the naton ceases to exist.

        Please X company- real al- weird- computer locked up.

        Anyway, I wish all a happy Christmas- Christrian or not.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sava
          Military aspects... Civ 3 combat sucks the big one... I'd like to see a Rome Total War style of combat... you can either simulate a battle, or fight it out on the map. THAT is what Civ 4 needs.
          No way... you make a game strategic like Civ and tactical like an RTS and you get two AIs that stink.


          • #20
            Hi mate,

            A better combat system I'd go with also, but I think we all know thats' "said as done"; it's about 0% chance it won't be changed- Civ 2 introduced damage/death in units, Civ 3 ignored it and we all thought it daft. If we can view Civ 2 to Civ 4 whilst ignoring Civ 3 that would be good, I'm sure the programmers are ignoring Civ 3 and looking at Civ 1 and 2.



            • #21

              I'm coming round to the idea of 3D- actually looking at a distant mountain range, and the plains before you- I guess it might be no more that 15 cities each, but could be fun- I see it that they either listen to the improvements we want over Civ 2 or they change the game radically, but it will be one- and certainly one chap on this board wished a radical change, whilst another wanted radical changes regarding grahics. Being the greedy git I am, I'd like both on a single CD- classic and 3D.

              Happy Xmas all.

              A special Xmas to anyone living in a society that is too afraid to allow you to legally be on the internet, that free medium that tries to sell you stuff every 5 minutes.....


              • #22
                AI, if the AI is better, the whole game will be better, simple as that.
                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                Then why call him God? - Epicurus

