I never really migrated to civ3. Many attempts but I always found civ2 the superior game.
Major beefs with civ 3:
The AI
No matter what you do some AI civs always seem to be ahead of you in techs etc.
The AI civs are impossible to persuade to make certain trades, even where it would make sense for both civs.
Bribery and espionage
It is way too expensive. Also techs and maps don't fall into your hands through conquest. This makes the game unbalanced.
Armies and generals
Also far too expensive and hard to obtain - hey, its a game, this is supposed to be fun. Military academies take too long to build and aren't worth the effort. All combat should be based on building armies in civ 4. You already have the model to do that. Generals could be a force multiplier but they should also be easily obtainable. Maybe this was a play balance issue? I notice the AI hardly ever builds armies. Maybe have a new category of general called "heroe" which you gain trhough combat exploits?
Grouping troops and firing
I think the grouping feature is good but could be better if armies were more readily available and flexible. I really tire of firing 30 cannon individually and then moving them laboriously around the map - even with grouping the micro moving kills fun in the endgame.
Culture and borders
I turn it off. I can't see why when I have garrisoned a city it could possibly turn back to the other side and take my troops with it during a freakin invasion. That is plain silly. I have lost large forces, like 10 units, that way during invasions. The cultre concept is good but it badly needs finetuning in the interests of better gameplay.
Economic model and adviser screens not intuitive
When building your civ, it isn't clear in civ 3 that certain actions have certain effects. In civ 2 and 3, if you built certain items or tweaked the luxury rate you could immediately see the effect. This tweaking of settings and builds was one of the most fun parts of the game. In civ 3, its a very frustrating part. The adviser screens are practically useless and not intuitive - please improve this. If I change a setting or build something I want to see it's effect immediately. Also, bring back the global state screens for your civ, they were very useful.
Unlike civ1 and 2, civ3 governments do not seem to have clear enough differences or some are duds. feudalism and monarchy for example, why would you choose feudalism? I've never worked that out. Communism and fascism should be very different. Are they? I'm still not too sure. Republic and Democracy, not much difference. All the governments should be clearly different and have clear costs and benefits. Please fix this - and please, please, bring back fundy!!!!!!!
Many ways to win
It should not be the case in civ 4 that only one set of economic and government setting leads to victory. There should be many paths to glory. Again imo, civ1 and 2 did this much better than civ 3.
Accelerating endgame means accelerating fun
In both civ1 and 2, the endgame seemed to accelerate to an exciting finale. In civ3 the end game is an anti-climax and a morass of micro management. Back to the drawing board guys! We need to get that sense of excitement and gathering speed back into civ4. Also civ1 and 2 could be won in a few turns at the end, either by war or spaceship, even if you were behind right till the end. Is that possible in civ 3? I think not. I suggest in developing civ 4 you go back and play civ 1 and 2 to see what I mean.
The Strat Map
This must scroll in civ 4!!!! It is incredibly irrititating that it is a static map. Even civ1 had a strat map which recentred when you moved. This is very important not just military and exploration planning - but for map lovers like me exploring the world means moving the map around. If the strat map is the way it is because of the link in the adviser screens to unit location, then please break the link. Also the zoom feature is hopeless - only 2 settings? Puhlease!!!! Civ1 and 2 had multiple zoom settings and the whole screens could be moved around and resized - great!
I'm not anti-civ3, it has a lot of potential which can be brought out in civ4.
And it may be that I am just a bad civ3 player - but some of the things I mention above have nothing to do with skill.
I feel some responsibility for civ3 because many ideas I advocated in its development, like king figures and cities changing sides, were taken up, although not quite implemented the way I wanted.
But you know, civ2 is 10 years and I'd really like to move on!!!!! Its a tribute to civ2 however that I'm still enjoying it and learning today - even though I only MP it now.
Major beefs with civ 3:
The AI
No matter what you do some AI civs always seem to be ahead of you in techs etc.
The AI civs are impossible to persuade to make certain trades, even where it would make sense for both civs.
Bribery and espionage
It is way too expensive. Also techs and maps don't fall into your hands through conquest. This makes the game unbalanced.
Armies and generals
Also far too expensive and hard to obtain - hey, its a game, this is supposed to be fun. Military academies take too long to build and aren't worth the effort. All combat should be based on building armies in civ 4. You already have the model to do that. Generals could be a force multiplier but they should also be easily obtainable. Maybe this was a play balance issue? I notice the AI hardly ever builds armies. Maybe have a new category of general called "heroe" which you gain trhough combat exploits?
Grouping troops and firing
I think the grouping feature is good but could be better if armies were more readily available and flexible. I really tire of firing 30 cannon individually and then moving them laboriously around the map - even with grouping the micro moving kills fun in the endgame.
Culture and borders
I turn it off. I can't see why when I have garrisoned a city it could possibly turn back to the other side and take my troops with it during a freakin invasion. That is plain silly. I have lost large forces, like 10 units, that way during invasions. The cultre concept is good but it badly needs finetuning in the interests of better gameplay.
Economic model and adviser screens not intuitive
When building your civ, it isn't clear in civ 3 that certain actions have certain effects. In civ 2 and 3, if you built certain items or tweaked the luxury rate you could immediately see the effect. This tweaking of settings and builds was one of the most fun parts of the game. In civ 3, its a very frustrating part. The adviser screens are practically useless and not intuitive - please improve this. If I change a setting or build something I want to see it's effect immediately. Also, bring back the global state screens for your civ, they were very useful.
Unlike civ1 and 2, civ3 governments do not seem to have clear enough differences or some are duds. feudalism and monarchy for example, why would you choose feudalism? I've never worked that out. Communism and fascism should be very different. Are they? I'm still not too sure. Republic and Democracy, not much difference. All the governments should be clearly different and have clear costs and benefits. Please fix this - and please, please, bring back fundy!!!!!!!
Many ways to win
It should not be the case in civ 4 that only one set of economic and government setting leads to victory. There should be many paths to glory. Again imo, civ1 and 2 did this much better than civ 3.
Accelerating endgame means accelerating fun
In both civ1 and 2, the endgame seemed to accelerate to an exciting finale. In civ3 the end game is an anti-climax and a morass of micro management. Back to the drawing board guys! We need to get that sense of excitement and gathering speed back into civ4. Also civ1 and 2 could be won in a few turns at the end, either by war or spaceship, even if you were behind right till the end. Is that possible in civ 3? I think not. I suggest in developing civ 4 you go back and play civ 1 and 2 to see what I mean.
The Strat Map
This must scroll in civ 4!!!! It is incredibly irrititating that it is a static map. Even civ1 had a strat map which recentred when you moved. This is very important not just military and exploration planning - but for map lovers like me exploring the world means moving the map around. If the strat map is the way it is because of the link in the adviser screens to unit location, then please break the link. Also the zoom feature is hopeless - only 2 settings? Puhlease!!!! Civ1 and 2 had multiple zoom settings and the whole screens could be moved around and resized - great!
I'm not anti-civ3, it has a lot of potential which can be brought out in civ4.
And it may be that I am just a bad civ3 player - but some of the things I mention above have nothing to do with skill.
I feel some responsibility for civ3 because many ideas I advocated in its development, like king figures and cities changing sides, were taken up, although not quite implemented the way I wanted.
But you know, civ2 is 10 years and I'd really like to move on!!!!! Its a tribute to civ2 however that I'm still enjoying it and learning today - even though I only MP it now.