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Pollution and climatic changes.

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  • Pollution and climatic changes.

    It appears that most players do not like present model of polution, and most likely it will be completely reworked in civ4. I agree that this orange-colored deposit does not work very well.

    I would recognize several types of pollution, which all of them this orange-smth presently simulates:

    - water (river) polution
    - air polution
    - optionally trash pollution (more in the cities than on tiles)
    - ionizing radiation (after nuclear weapon was used)

    Workers would clean non of these.

    Water pollution - rivers might have an additional factor at each square (tile) the flow through - their pollution. Cities and especially those with "bad" factories or lacking sewer treatment would pollute a lot. Polluted rivers would decrease health of people. Remedy - wastewater treatment plants, or half-remedy for a city near polluted river - water treatment plant - just cleans the water before its usage. Small seas and finally oceans would be polluted too by polluted rivers. Workers would not clean this type of pollution, cause nature does it in oceans (or maybe some future tech?) if pollution inflow is stopped. To deal with water pollution special city improvement would have to be built, better factories, etc.

    Air pollution. In simcity, each tile has its air polution level. Something like that might be good here too. And add to it winds, as it is SMAC/X and we would have countries which might even make unhealthy population in other countries only because of wind directions. How to deal with it? Better factories. Other things? I have to think of it.

    Garbage - it's rather optional idea, maybe it would be better to resign from this feature.

    Radiation pollution. Definitelly different kind of pollution. Tiles might be contaminated by it after nuclear warhead was used, nuclear plant mulfanctioned. This would be long time pollution. Workers would not clean it either. I think of something like a city improvement called "radiated terrain reclamation facility" It would deal with some tiles, if civilization would be played for next 100 years for example, this would be somehow quite beneficial. This type of pollution is probably the most harmful, causing cancer, mutations. Resigning from it in Civ4 would take away from the game a lot IMHO.

    Climatic changes. Presently it is pollution changing grasslands into plains and plains into deserts. And there are other factors causing such changes. Forests removed in Africa enlarge Sahara Desert. I would even "steal" some ideas from SMAC - drill to aquifier - somewhere late in technology. Rise lower terrain. Some variation of it - in Netherlands there are depressions artificially made by people. Changing mountain into a hole? You may see something like this in Salt Lake City, where Kennecot Plant digging copper did exactly that. CTP had underwater tunnels - good idea, we have France and England connected already. Digging a Panama channel? Yes, please. Now Aztec peaople establish in 3500 BC a small city in Latin America and they already have that...
    Map creation contest
    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

  • #2
    I think that pollution should be replaced by a City Health System (link).
    Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
    1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


    • #3
      I would prefer to have both :
      - City Health system (an excellent idea!)
      - Pollution by human activities.

      I think that pollution is a very important element of every industrial civilization on Earth. Removing it will take away a very interesting aspect of the game. I think that presently implemented system is what people do not like, and not the very pollution.
      Also, going strait from industry to health:

      industry ----------> human health

      takes away this:

      industry -> pollution 	--> human health
      			\-> environment (flora and fauna)
      Presently pollution changes tiles to desert finally, or else according to how it is set in the editor. I think that what people do not like mostly, (am I right here or not?) is some unpredictibility of pollution effects:
      we do not quite know:
      - when and where "orange stuff" will appear
      - what tiles will be changed and when it will happen
      - inability to use polluted tiles - not a good idea really, mine may be dirty around, but we probably could still use it... farms might be farmed, food might though contain high level of carcenogenic compounds.

      Some effects of pollution on the environment might be I guess not that annoying if approprietly "flagged" If I have
      a note on a tile near a polluting city informing me that this tile will become desert in 22 turns because of acid rains, than I will have a choice - continue to pollute or lower production, replace old type factory with a new one, etc. This would not be annoying that much I think.

      Other environmental effects might include bonus resources effects:
      - fish would disappear from polluted seas and oceans
      - game might replace itself if forest changes to plain or desert, or maybe even die out if there is no forests nearby. Some technologies might though replenish game in forests, fish might be introduced back to previously depleted waters.
      I think that would be quite interesting element of the game.
      Map creation contest
      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


      • #4
        I'm actually encouraged by Soren's post. When they had previously said they were going to get rid of pollution and corruption I assumed that was part of the "simplification" of the game to make it appeal more to the younger crowd. I'm glade to see that it will be replaced by another system which will still add some depth to the game.
        Try for discussion and debate.

